13 or V? Putting Your Debtor in the Right Case

Subchapter V arrived in 2020, offering qualifying individuals a restructuring alternative to standard chapter 11 and chapter 13. So what are consumer bankruptcy lawyers so afraid of?! This panel will review the differences between chapter 13 and subchapter V by looking at eligibility and reporting requirements, estate administration, and the nuanced differences of plan confirmation and discharge in each chapter. The panelists also will compare and contrast chapter 13 and subchapter V trustees, and will use several hypotheticals to highlight how a debtor’s particular circumstances will ultimately determine the choice between a 13 or a V.

Price: $125.00
SKU: 237378
75 mins
Anerio V. Altman | Lake Forest Bankruptcy | Laguna Hills, Calif. David A. Mawhinney | Standing Chapter 13 Trustee and Subchapter V Trustee | Sudbury, Mass. Hon. Kesha L. Tanabe | U.S. Bankruptcy Court (D. Minn.) | St. Paul. Sumner A. Bourne | Rafool & Bourne | Peoria, Ill.