Creditors' Committee

NO CLE : Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors vs. Receivership vs. Subchapter V vs. Chapter 7

This panel will explore the differences between state court assignments for the benefit of creditors and receiverships, and bankruptcy court chapter 7 and subchapter V.

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Creditor Remedies: Point/Counterpoint

This panel will discuss different tactics creditors use to pursue the collection of debt, how debtors can defend against collection efforts and pursue claims when a creditor has gone too far, how creditors can minimize their exposure to such claims, and the potential impacts of pre-petition proceedings on creditors and debtors when a debtor files a bankruptcy petition.


NO CLE: The Brave New World of Asset Sales and the Increased Role of Unsecured Creditors

This panel takes a fresh look at the latest categories and buyers of asset sales under § 363, and the increased influence that unsecured creditors are exerting over those sales. The panelists discuss recent noteworthy successful and failed sales, including Vice Media, Vital Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Celsius Network, LedgerX and Voyager.

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NO CLE: Great Debates

This session will discuss the broader policy debate on the usefulness, functionality and policy issues of examiners and trustees in chapter 11.

➤ Bankruptcy examiners drive up the cost of the bankruptcy process and generally do not deliver benefits that justify their expense and distraction.
➤ Bankruptcy examiners play an important role in ensuring the integrity of the bankruptcy process and should be appointed more regularly.

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The Rise of Creditor-on-Creditor Violence

Hosted by IWIRC New England


When Creditors Strike Back (No C.L.E.)

This session will discuss strategies that various creditors (e.g., committees, secured, priority and unsecured) can employ to counter, if not defeat, certain types of first-day relief, DIPs and other case-determinative actions that set the table for the chapter 11 case or, as some may describe it, result in the first-day fix. The panelists will touch upon substantive and procedural responses, objections, accommodations and extractions.

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NO CLE - Ask the Judges

A full panel of the distinguished Delaware Bankruptcy Court bench answering previously submitted questions from the members of the bar, providing “behind the bench” insight.

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NO CLE - Luncheon Keynote

No CLE hour available

A fireside chat between Daniel Kamensky and Judge Goldblatt touching on fiduciary duties of creditors and other related topics.

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NO CLE - Committee Challenges in 2022

This panel will discuss UST authority in appointing committees, venue impact on committee appointment and committee composition, when it makes sense to have two committees and when it does not, and the retention of professionals or substantive contributions. The panelists also will discuss the scope of Rule 2004 examinations post-confirmation.

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NO CLE - 2022 Views from the Bench: Great Debates

Two pairs of judges square off to consider (1) whether bankruptcies can be properly filed when a debtor faces a deluge of potential tort claims and (2) whether bankruptcy courts can support plans regarding certain special fee and financing arrangements for debtors.

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