Creditor Remedies: Point/Counterpoint
This panel will discuss different tactics creditors use to pursue the collection of debt, how debtors can defend against collection efforts and pursue claims when a creditor has gone too far, how creditors can minimize their exposure to such claims, and the potential impacts of pre-petition proceedings on creditors and debtors when a debtor files a bankruptcy petition.
Price: $125.00
SKU: 247422
60 mins
Hon. Grace E. Robson, Moderator | U.S. Bankruptcy Court (M.D. Fla.) | Orlando.
Jeffrey S. Fraser | Albertelli Law | Lake Worth, Fla.
Yusuf Haidermota | Kass Shuler, P.A. | Tampa, Fla.
Lynn Welter Sherman | Trenam Law | St. Petersburg, Fla.