2024, 2024 Alexander L. Paskey Memorial Bankruptcy Seminar

NO CLE : Attendees will work through case problems in small judge-led groups.

Attendees will work through case problems in small judge-led groups.

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NO CLE : Appeals

Two lawyers who regularly handle bankruptcy appeals, along with a district court judge who hears bankruptcy appeals, will lead this panel focused on key bankruptcy appeal topics.

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NO CLE : Chapter 11 Updates and Core Issues

This panel will discuss subchapter V updates, including dischargeability, voting and other issues, and will feature a Showdown at the Supremes discussion on Purdue Pharma, as well as a point/counterpoint talk on merchant cash advances (MCAs) and their related bankruptcy issues.

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NO CLE : Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors vs. Receivership vs. Subchapter V vs. Chapter 7

This panel will explore the differences between state court assignments for the benefit of creditors and receiverships, and bankruptcy court chapter 7 and subchapter V.

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Ethics Jeopardy

Presented in a game show format, this session will feature real case examples, enabling attendees to learn about the nature of the duty of zealous advocacy, under what circumstances lawyers do cross the line, and the ethical and other consequences of being under- or overzealous.


Adversary Proceedings and Evidence

This panel will cover procedural and evidentiary issues that can arise in the context of adversary proceedings and contested matters related to expert witnesses and expert reports, witness examination, and the introduction of electronic content into evidence.


Creditor Remedies: Point/Counterpoint

This panel will discuss different tactics creditors use to pursue the collection of debt, how debtors can defend against collection efforts and pursue claims when a creditor has gone too far, how creditors can minimize their exposure to such claims, and the potential impacts of pre-petition proceedings on creditors and debtors when a debtor files a bankruptcy petition.


NO CLE : Annual Paskay Memorial Luncheon Keynote and Networking

Joe Navarro will explore the applied use of nonverbal communication in business to better understand, manage or negotiate with others. Drawing on his decades of experience studying human behavior, Joe will highlight those key behaviors executives need to know to decode the world around them.

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NO CLE : The Coerced, Vulnerable or Incapacitated Debtor: What Are Your Ethical Obligations?

Your consumer client’s problems may go beyond traditional insolvency issues. This panel will discuss ethical and legal strategies to protect your client’s interests.

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NO CLE: Consumer Issues Potpourri: What’s New, What’s Trending, and What Isn’t Trending that Should Be!

This panel will bring attendees up to speed on Zoom § 341s and best practices, as well as recent and important changes to chapter 13 administrative orders and forms, and will explore trends and tips for handling merchant cash advance (MCA) issues in consumer cases and mortgage-modification mediations. The panelists also will discuss income-driven repayment plans and highlight the DOJ's latest guidance on discharging student loans.

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