ABI-Live: Commercial Real Estate Market Outlook

Hosted by ABI's Real Estate Committee

Commercial real estate continues to be the sector to watch for restructuring professionals, as decreasing property values and increasing interest rates will be colliding with $1.5 trillion of debt maturities over the next four years. This informative program will provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of where the market stands and may be going as we head into the last four months of the year. Where are we in the current economic cycle? How have higher interest rates impacted the commercial real estate market this year, and what will the ramifications be next year? What can asset-class-level fundamentals tell us about commercial real estate trends in 2024?

Xander Snyder, senior commercial real estate economist at First American Financial Corporation, will be providing his valuable input on the above questions and more. His research focuses on economic trends impacting commercial real estate, such as demographics, fundraising, investments and commercial lending. He also monitors, analyzes and reports on economic data and surveys related to commercial real estate, and develops models and forecasts to better understand the forces that influence commercial real estate markets."

Price: $125.00
SKU: 237245
75 mins
David E. Levy, Moderator | Keen-Summit Capital Partners LLC | Chicago, Erin A. West, Moderator | Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. | Madison, Wis., Xander SnyderFirst American | Financial Corporation | Santa Ana, Calif.