Anatomy of a Small-to Middle-Market Restructuring in Today’s New World
This panel will discuss the various tools and strategies available to insolvency professionals when small businesses attempt to restructure and avoid closure. The panelists will explore nonbankruptcy options available to these businesses, particularly in the current economic climate, including forbearance agreements, longer-term workouts and refinancing, as well as recent case law developments affecting out-of-court workouts for both debtors and creditors. The discussion also will include some of the bankruptcy options available to these businesses, how these businesses can analyze if and when chapter 11 (or chapter 7) provides the best (or only) path forward, and what creditors can do to prepare for an inevitable filing. Finally, the panelists will review bankruptcy eligibility requirements for small businesses in subchapter V and single-asset real estate cases, recent case law developments in subchapter V that practitioners must know about when evaluating bankruptcy options, and other important hurdles and considerations that these types of businesses can expect to encounter today.