Bridging the Gaps: Issues of First Impression in Subchapter V Cases, and How Courts and Practitioners Are Creatively Resolving Them

Subchapter V opinions of first impression are being entered around the country every year. This panel will discuss the most recent subchapter V opinions and analyze how bankruptcy practitioners and courts are creatively filling subchapter V's statutory gaps.

Price: $125.00
SKU: 237198
75 mins
Rebecca F. Redwine, Moderator | Hendren Redwine & Malone, PLLC | Raleigh, N.C. Peter J. Barrett | Kutak Rock LLP | Richmond, Va. Hon. Benjamin A. Kahn | U.S. Bankruptcy Court (M.D.N.C.) | Greensboro Soneet R. Kapila | KapilaMukamal | Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Michael D. Mueller | Williams Mullen | Richmond, Va.
Media: Audio
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