General Bankruptcy Fundamentals

General Bankruptcy Fundamentals (2.5 Hours of CLE where available)
This 2.5 hour program presents a discussion of the who, what and why of a bankruptcy case. Part I (1 hour 30 minutes) explores concepts applicable in all cases, including the automatic stay, property of the estate, claims and priorities, executory contracts and unexpired leases and the discharge are examined. Part II (1 hour) explores the range of the estate's avoiding powers of various transfers such as preferences, fraudulent transfers and unperfected security interests.

This course includes recent SBRA, COVID-19, and CARES Act updates
Add the BUSINESS and CONSUMER Bankruptcy breakout for $100 each

Click HERE to register for this course

Prof. Lois Lupica, Moderator
Maine Law Foundation Professor of Law
University of Maine School of Law in Portland
Hon. Wendelin I. Lipp
U.S. Bankruptcy Court (D. MD.); Greenbelt, MD
Alexander M. Laughlin
Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, PC; Fairfax, VA
Lisa A. Tracy
Executive Office for U.S. Trustees; Washington, DC
Ed Flynn
American Bankruptcy Institute; Alexandria, VA

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Media: Video
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