Mass Torts: Beyond the Headlines

This panel will discuss features of mass tort cases — including stays of actions and discovery against nondebtors, releases for nondebtors, the role of future claims representatives, and insurance neutrality — and the effects of recent case law.

Price: $125.00
SKU: 237235
75 mins
Laura Davis Jones, Moderator | Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP | Wilmington, Del., Derek C. Abbott | Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP | Wilmington, Del., Jennifer A. Christian | ASK LLP | New York, Hon. J. Kate Stickles | U.S. Bankruptcy Court (D. Del.) | Wilmington, Charles J. Sullivan | Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC | Syracuse, N.Y.
Media: Audio
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