NO CLE - ABI-Live: Examiners and Select Plan Confirmation Issues; presented by ABI Young and New Members Committee
A panel discussion of recent opinions, including In re Dynegy Holdings, Tribune and Heritage Highgate Inc., and their effect on examiner and plan confirmation issues.
Issues to be discussed include:
Examiner Issues including when directors and officers may be liable for restructuring, made especially relevant in In re Dynegy Holdings, and the Examiner's Report issued on March 9, 2012. Other cases to be discussed include Lyondell Chemical Co., Washington Mutual, Lehman Brothers.
Select Plan Confirmation Issues including:
a. Competing plans, noteholder classification, enforceability of inter-creditor agreements, made relevant in Tribune.
b. Elimination of junior liens and valuation issues at plan confirmation, made relevant by the Third Circuit’s recent decision in Heritage Highgate Inc.
Richard J. Corbi, Moderator
Lowenstein Sandler PC; New York
Eric D. Winston
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP;
Los Angeles
David M. LeMay
Chadbourne & Parke LLP; New York
Michael J. Viscount
Fox Rothschild LLP; Atlantic City, N.J.
W. Joshua Brant
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP; New York
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