NO CLE - ABI Live Webinar: Everything You Need to Know About Bankruptcy Appeals

The ABI Bankruptcy Litigation Committee presents a must-see webinar for bankruptcy practitioners about the appeals process. The panel will explore the nuts and bolts of bankruptcy appeals – the statutes, rules, and decisions governing how to obtain appellate review of different types of bankruptcy court orders and the mechanics of initiating and prosecuting appeals. The panel will also discuss the differences between the district court and the BAP appeals, as well as procedures for direct appeals to circuit courts. Finally, the panel will turn to strategic considerations, including whether and how to obtain a stay pending appeal, standards of review, and — most importantly — how to win your appeal. The distinguished panel of appellate judges and practitioners will offer their views on best practices for brief writing and conducting persuasive oral arguments in both intermediate appellate courts and circuit courts, as well as common errors to avoid in oral argument.

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