NO CLE - ABI Live Webinar: Tax Reform Crash Course for Bankruptcy

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act significantly changed many aspects of business taxation, especially for distressed companies. The way net operating losses work has fundamentally changed. The ability to deduct interest expense is now significantly limited and, as a result, distressed companies may have very different tax profiles than they previously have had. Changes to several rules impact the decision on whether to structure a reorganization as a tax-free transaction or a “Bruno’s” taxable transaction. The international tax regime has been fundamentally altered, both with respect to normal operations and with respect to long-standing issues regarding the appropriate scope of pledges and guarantees that can be provided in connection with DIP financing and cash collateral packages. All of these rules remain subject to an active and very much ongoing regulatory process that places a significant degree of uncertainty around tax outcomes. The panel will highlight and contextualize these key issues so that restructuring specialists can be aware of their potential impact.

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