Recent Confirmation Issues

This panel will provide a review of recent confirmation issues, including reinstatement in a rising-interest-rate environment, cramdown and Till in a rising-interest-rate environment, the entitlement to or apportionment of the increased value of collateral, new versions of pre-disclosure-statement plan-commitment agreements, make-whole obligations as unmatured interest, solvent debtors and creditors’ entitlement to post-petition interest, and the evolution of equitable mootness.

Price: $125.00
SKU: 237113
60 mins
Alec P. Ostrow, Moderator | Becker, Glynn, Muffly, Chassin & Hosinski LLP. Kathryn A. Coleman | Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP. Christopher J. Kearns | Berkeley Research Group, LLC. Gregory G. Plotko | Barnes & Thornburg LLP. Hon. Brendan L. Shannon | U.S. Bankruptcy Court (D. Del.).