Recent Developments
New developments occur regularly in bankruptcy law, and this past year was no different. This session will provide you with an overview of important U.S. Supreme Court decisions that came down in the 2022-23 session that relate to bankruptcy, as well as the recent Purdue Pharma decision from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The panelists will review the facts and key holdings of each case, and how they may affect pending and future cases. Discussions will include the nondischargeability of debt due to fraud committed by a partner, the treatment of certain statutes as “jurisdictional” versus preconditions to relief, violations of the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause, whether Indian tribes have sovereign immunity from damages claims for violations of the automatic stay, the allowance of nonconsensual releases of creditors’ direct claims against non-debtors in the Purdue Pharma L.P. chapter 11 plan, and recent developments on the “solvent debtor” exception in chapter 11 cases.