The Wild West of Unconventional Lending: “I Need Money!” A Look at Factors, Merchant Cash-Advance Lenders and Litigation-Funders
This panel will discuss the various issues surrounding merchant cash advance (MCA) lenders from the perspectives of MCA lenders, debtors, the bench, and other secured creditors whose interests may be affected by MCA lenders.
Price: $125.00
SKU: 237196
75 mins
J. Ryan Yant, Moderator | Carlton Fields, P.A. | Tampa, Fla.
Craig M. Geno | Law Offices of Craig M. Geno, PLLC | Ridgeland, Miss.
Hon. Jennifer H. Henderson| U.S. Bankruptcy Court (N.D. Ala.) | Tuscaloosa.
Edward J. Peterson, III | Johnson Pope Bokor Ruppel & Burns, LLP | Tampa, Fla.
John A. Thomson, Jr. | Adams and Reese LLP | Atlanta.