Plan Confirmation

NO CLE - Equitable Mootness

This session will focus on the current state of the doctrine and recent criticisms,
especially from the Third Circuit (Philadelphia Newspapers, SemCrude, One2One
Communications), and its applications (City of Detroit (invoking the doctrine to reject
the attempted restoration of pension benefits in the city’s bankruptcy)).

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NO CLE - Things Don’t Always Go as Planned: Post-Confirmation Modifications and Appealing an Order Denying Confirmation

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NO CLE - Confirmation and Beyond

This panel will explore a variety of issues related to plan confirmation, including artificial impairment (Village Green I, GP v. Federal National Mortgage Association), cramdown interest rates/subordination/make-whole provisions (MPM Silicones) and third-party releases (Millennium Lab Holdings).

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NO CLE - Selling an Insider’s Claim and Buying Plan Confirmation

In the first decision addressing the point, the Ninth Circuit held that there’s a difference between an insider and a claim held by an insider. The ruling blessed an insider’s sale of a claim, relieving the claim of any taint and allowing the new holder to vote on confirmation. The panel looks at the developing issues on whether the buyer is a nonstatutory insider and whether the plan can be pursued in good faith after such a sale.

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NO CLE - Chapter 13 — Post-Confirmation Issues

BAPCPA established several hurdles that debtors have to overcome in order to obtain a discharge of a confirmed plan. Confirmation of the plan in many respects is only the beginning of the process. This panel, which includes two chapter 13 trustees and an experienced creditors’ counsel and is moderated by an experienced debtors’ counsel, will explore the issues that arise after confirmation, including the completion of required tasks for a debtor to obtain a discharge.

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NO CLE - Commercial Session: Plan Issues — Support Agreements, Injunctions, Releases & Competing Plans

This panel will discuss strategies for negotiating and confirming chapter 11 plans, from support agreements and competing plans to the proper use of releases and injunctions.

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NO CLE - Chapter 13 — How to Confirm Your Plan

This panel of chapter 13 trustees will provide an in-depth analysis of the necessary steps to reach confirmation of your chapter 13 plan, including the necessary steps and analysis that are required to secure their recommendation. The panel judge will give his perspective of the mega dockets and volume of issues that are typically brought before the court.

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NO CLE - Cutting-Edge Chapter 11 Plan Issues

This program will explore current hot-button topics relating to the drafting and confirmation of chapter 11 plans. The issues discussed will including drafting to accommodate, as well as to either encourage or discourage § 1111(b) elections, and the strategy of holders of secured claims in either making or not making that election. It will also include a discussion of third-party releases and injunctions, using recent cases in the First Circuit to illustrate when such releases are, and are not, appropriate.

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NO CLE - Consumer Track: Money-Back Guarantee?

This panel explore what rights/causes of actions a debtor may reserve in plan confirmation and the binding effect of confirmation, and whether, in light of Harris v. Viegelahn, a means may still exist to avoid refunding undistributed funds to a debtor following the conversion of a chapter 13 to a chapter 7 case, as well as what should happen to undistributed funds upon case dismissal. The session will conclude with a discussion on the limitations on the equitable powers of bankruptcy courts following Law v. Siegel.

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NO CLE - Getting to Confirmation: Why Do They Keep Moving the Finish Line On Me?

We all know how hard it is to confirm a chapter 11 plan. This panel will discuss cutting-edge issues related to confirming your chapter 11 plan so that you can arm yourselves for the inevitable battle — or negotiate confirmation with superior knowledge of the likely outcome.

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