National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ)

NO CLE - American College/NCBJ: Current Developments in Cross-Border Practices

This program will present expert practitioner and judicial ABI Views on current developments in chapter 15 practice, including new decisions and legislative proposals. It will also introduce the new UNCITRAL model law as to enterprise group insolvency, and discuss developments in cross-border practice with Mexico.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Mindfulness: Why Is It on Everyone's Mind?

Come join our experienced panelists as they share practical applications of mindfulness that you can use every day at work and home. Areas include being less reactive in challenging situations, listening more effectively and gathering more useful data, more skillfully entertaining uncertainty, and feeling less stressed in general. You'll learn basic mindfulness and relaxation exercises and tips for incorporating them into your day.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: A Perfect Storm: Events, Issues & Trends in Agricultural Bankruptcies

A panel of experts in agriculture bankruptcy insolvency matters will discuss the unique issues and legal strategies facing professionals in these cases, such as problems facing family operations, the nature and benefits of chapter 12 proceedings, plan strategies in chapter 11 and 12 cases, and traps for the unwary in dealing with the different constituencies in a farm case. As these cases become more prevalent, well-prepared practitioners will need a working knowledge of the issues confronting the agricultural sector.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Ethics: Now that You’re Employed, Here's How to Avoid Stubbing Your Ethical Toe

Finally, you think you have the case of your dreams. How do you manage to navigate employment before the bankruptcy court? How do you ensure that you get paid and that neither you nor your client do anything to jeopardize your fees or your reputation? Join this discussion with an esteemed panel and numerous bankruptcy judges in breakout rooms as we discuss the often-confusing ethical issues that present themselves in employment.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Musings of a Chapter 11 Mind

This panel will offer a unique take on Chapter 11 issues. Join our panelists as they walk through hot topics and other thorny territory in the Chapter 11 landscape.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Private Credit Lenders and the Changing Dynamic of Chapter 11

Unregulated and nontraditional capital providers are sources of end-to-end liquidity from origination through chapter 11 and from middle-market to mega cases. This panel will consider the motivations and aims of these market participants, and how they are likely to change the character of the next restructuring cycle.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Restructuring in the Wake of Coronavirus

The economic catastrophe created by the Coronavirus is unique. In the past, recessions have been prompted by sustained periods of high interest rates. This recession has been caused by a virus and it is hitting the United States and world economy already saddled with record levels of debt. Almost all businesses are dealing with the prospect of sudden ends to cash flow, yet a relatively new generation of companies, "zombies" who earn too little to make even interest payments on their debt are faced with the ultimate challenge.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: SBRA: So Many Choices, So Little Time - Electing to Proceed Under Subchapter V

This panel will explore some of the more difficult aspects of cases under subchapter V, including the considerations that debtors face when making the election to proceed under subchapter V and a discussion of the earliest decisions interpreting the new statute.

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NO CLE - Bankruptcy Basics: From Filing to Discharge & Beyond

Are you interested in hearing a succinct primer on bankruptcy law and some of the basic structures of this discipline? If so, this panel of bankruptcy professionals will deliver what you need and will whet your appetite to become a full-fledged bankruptcy practitioner. Overview - Bankruptcy in pictures: Types of Debt, Bankruptcy Terminology, Relief from Stay, Trustees, Discharge of Debts. 101: The Parties, The Code Organization, Goals, The Estate, Automatic Stay, Discharge.

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NO CLE - Consumer Tax Issues in Bankruptcy

Preparing for Success: Managing Tax Issues in Consumer Bankruptcy. The panel will discuss common tax issues arising in consumer bankruptcy cases, with a focus on tax claims, the consequences of when a bankruptcy petition is filed, consequences of chapter selection, handling tax claims in bankruptcy and common discharge issues. Learning Objectives:A Attendees will be able to identify numerous tax issues to be considered before and after a consumer bankruptcy petition has been filed.Attendees will have the benefit of viewpoints offered by a U.S.

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