Consumer Bankruptcy

NO CLE - Great Debates!

Consumer Debate
Resolved: Limited-scope representation should be allowed in consumer bankruptcy cases.
Brian T. Fenimore 102536, Moderator

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NO CLE - Current Developments in Consumer Bankruptcy

The panel will survey recent cases in areas such as stay litigation, lien-stripping, exemptions, family issues and student loans.

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NO CLE - The Supremes

This session will be a fast-paced tour of advanced topics on a broad range of bankruptcy issues. While many U.S. Supreme Court decisions seek to address circuit splits and resolve issues of differing interpretation, the decisions often create additional diversity in interpretation and practice. This panel will address the last decade of Supreme Court decisions and their aftermath, and will take a look at pending and potential cases that may soon be decided.

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NO CLE - Starting Off on the Right Foot

Proper representation requires that the lawyer consider from the onset of the relationship a variety of practical and ethical concerns. This panel discussion will focus on such issues as whether bankruptcy is the best alternative and which form of bankruptcy is the appropriate one, as well as certain pre-bankruptcy considerations and ensuring that the representation does not run awry of certain ethical considerations and canons.

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NO CLE - Discharge Issues

The panel will address dischargeability litigation from both the debtor and creditor (and bench) perspective.

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NO CLE - An Individual 11 Is Not Just a Chapter 13 on Steroids

Individual chapter 11 cases remain mired in unique legal issues. This expert panel tours the case law including confirmation issues such as the effect of the Absolute Priority Rule

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NO CLE - Very Good Debates

Judicial Debate
RESOLVED: Bankruptcy Code section 307 and the corresponding Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure should be amended to permit the Court to limit the role of the United States Trustee in corporate chapter 11 cases for cause upon motion of an Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors appointed in the case.

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CARE Boot Camp: Basic Training for Financial Foot Soldiers - Free, No CLE

Retool your CARE skills, or get a head start on the basics of CARE presenting at this master class with three of the most experienced CARE presenters on the planet.

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NO CLE - From Bad to Worse: Criminal and Civil Fraud

Recent Prosecutions, Ponzi Schemes, Debtor Crimes, Professional Fraud (including Medicare and Medicaid) plus Upcoming Discharge Issues.

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NO CLE - Bankruptcy and the U.S. Supreme Court: An Insider’s View of 2014 Decisions

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide three bankruptcy cases this term: (1) Executive Benefits Insurance Agency v. Arkison, which addresses the constitutionality of the district court referral system for bankruptcy cases and consent to jurisdiction where separation of powers is at issue; (2) Clark v. Rameker, which involves the availability of exemptions for inherited IRAs; and (3) Law v. Siegel, which deals with a bankruptcy court’s authority under § 105 to surcharge exemptions.

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