Finance and Banking

NO CLE - Issues Relating to CARES Act Loans

This session will focus on the loan and debt-relief options that were created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) of 2020, and their impact on debtors and bankruptcy law and practice. The session will begin with a brief primer on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) lending program and Main Street lending programs, then delve into the various bankruptcy issues that have since emerged related to these lending programs, including access to loans, priority and subordination of lender claims, and certifications regarding future bankruptcy filings.

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NO CLE - Emerging from the COVID-19 Disruption: The Need for a National Emergency Restructuring Entity

Panel presented by the International Insolvency Institute (III)

This panel will discuss a proposed solution for a response to the need for funding to recapitalize and provide liquidity to viable businesses seeking to emerge from the disruption.

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NO CLE - Follow The Money: Bankruptcy as a Tool to Fight Fraud and Recover Assets

Panel presented by the International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC)

Panelists from IWIRC's Latin America network will explore the tools available and strategies for recovering assets in cross-border insolvencies from a Latin American perspective.

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NO CLE - IWIRC: When in Rome: A Comparative Look at Fiduciaries Around the Globe

IWIRC sponsored this October 14, 2020, session as part of the Insolvency 2020 Summit. The expert panel discusses trustees' powers in various foreign courts and the challenges they face. The panlists also provide tips for hiring foreign counsel and recovering offshore assets.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Economist Fireside Chat

The record-setting 11-year national economic expansion has now been displaced by the worst pandemic in a generation. In this session, moderated by Bankruptcy Judge Michelle Harner (D. Md.), Professors Abbye Atkinson (UC Berkeley School of Law) and Roger Tutterow (Kennesaw State University) consider how pandemic-related economic challenges are impacting household spending, corporate performance, and the ability of both consumers and corporate entities to service existing debt obligations.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: Restructuring in the Wake of Coronavirus

The economic catastrophe created by the Coronavirus is unique. In the past, recessions have been prompted by sustained periods of high interest rates. This recession has been caused by a virus and it is hitting the United States and world economy already saddled with record levels of debt. Almost all businesses are dealing with the prospect of sudden ends to cash flow, yet a relatively new generation of companies, "zombies" who earn too little to make even interest payments on their debt are faced with the ultimate challenge.

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NO CLE - ABI-Live: Paycheck Protection Program: Access to PPP Loans for Chapter 11 Debtors

Join us for a discussion on the key features of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the current legal landscape regarding the eligibility of companies in bankruptcy to receive PPP Loans, including an overview of SBA guidance and recent court decisions.

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NO CLE - Cannabis in Bankruptcy

The panel will briefly address the historical use of cannabis in America for medicinal purposes and the subsequent criminalization of cannabis, which was racially motivated. The panel will then discuss the challenges faced by corporate entities that seek to obtain bankruptcy protection when at least a portion of their income is derived from the sale or cultivation of cannabis, the lease of space to cannabis companies, or the sale or manufacture of products used in connection with a cannabis business.

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NO CLE - Yes, You Need Them: The Value of Financial Advisors and Investment Bankers in § 363 Sales

This panel will discuss the value and involvement of financial advisors and investment bankers in successful § 363 sales, as well as strategies for working with financial advisors and investment bankers to navigate negotiations of § 363 sale terms, maximizing recoveries, and handling ethical issues that may arise in § 363 sales.

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NO CLE - Recent Trends in the Credit Bidding of Assets and Cross-Border Issues

This panel will explore recent cases and trends of credit bidding in chapter 11 cases. Many lenders are now requesting up-front approval of credit bid rights in debtor-in-possession financing orders, which would curtail the bankruptcy court’s ability to modify or limit credit bidding rights under Bankruptcy Code § 363(k) later on when the assets are auctioned. The panel will examine recent decisions on credit bidding and what limitations courts have applied to a secured creditor’s right to credit bid in bankruptcy cases.

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