International Insolvency

NO CLE - Anything but Absolute: The Evolution of the Absolute Priority Rule in Individual and Corporate Cases

This panel will explore recent developments with respect to the absolute priority rule using a fact pattern/role-playing approach focused on the “Old San Juan”, a mythical family-owned hotel in Puerto Rico.

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NO CLE - Domestic-Support Obligations; Applications to Retain Professionals and for Reimbursement of Fees

Years after the creation of the concept of domestic-support obligations, the panel will discuss how bankruptcy courts have interpreted this concept and how “alimony, maintenance and support” is a key element in BAPCPA cases. The presentation will also highlight the complex relationship between bankruptcy and domestic-relations law, and whether bankruptcy courts are bound by state courts’ determinations when issues of claim classification are raised.

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NO CLE - Chapter 15 Update

In addition to discussing the latest developments and cases under U.S. chapter 15, this panel will also focus on recent decisions dealing with the issues of the “center of main interest” (Fairfield Sentry), individual chapter 15 cases (Kemsley), intellectual property (think3, Inc.) and asset sales (Elpida Memory).

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NO CLE - Proposed National Chapter 13 Plan, Proof-of-Claim Issues and FRBP 3002.1

This panel will discuss the source and purpose of the National Chapter 13 Plan Form, explain the concerns surrounding the U.S. Supreme Court case of Espinosa, discuss the Bankruptcy Rules that will accompany the National Form, discuss and explain the National Form’s parts and the provisions contained therein, and cover what the practitioner must consider when the National Form becomes mandatory. The panel will also discuss relevant issues related to properly preparing and filing well-supported proofs of claims, including issues related to transferred and purchased claims.

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NO CLE - Treasure, or Fool’s Gold? Secured Transactions in the Caribbean and Revised Article 9

Cross-border financings almost always lie at the heart of cross-border insolvency cases, and holding an enforceable lien usually spells the difference between recovery and loss in such cases. This panel will focus on creating, perfecting and enforcing liens on assets held by Caribbean borrowers, as well as on the 2010 amendments to Article 9 of the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code that became effective in July.

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NO CLE - Ethics: The New World Order — A Comparison of Ethical Issues with Respect to Retention and Compensation of Restructuring Professionals in the U.S./Caribbean

In 2013, ABI issued its Final Report of the ABI National Ethics Task Force, and the Executive Office for U.S. Trustees set forth new guidelines for reviewing applications for compensation and reimbursement of expenses filed under § 330 of the Bankruptcy Code for attorneys in larger chapter 11 cases. In addition, the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas have experienced developments with respect to retention and compensation of attorneys. This panel will discuss the ethical implications of these developments.

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NO CLE - Back to Basics Series (ALL) - What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Financial Statements and Monthly Operating Reports

There are many lawyers and business professionals who enter the restructuring world without accounting or business backgrounds and have a learning curve to overcome when it comes to, for instance, getting a snapshot of the current financial picture of a business by reviewing financial statements or understanding what goes into monthly operating reports and cash flow analyses.
This webinar will therefore serve as a useful tool for professionals by:

*Reviewing in a non-technical manner accounting basics for beginners;

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NO CLE - Back to Basics Series (ALL) - What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Using Financial Documents as Evidence

In keeping with the theme of “understanding financial concepts,” this webinar focuses on how financial information should be presented in a litigation scenario. This is certainly not a topic limited to attorneys, as it is often financial advisors, investment bankers, accountants and other professionals who must support litigation efforts or serve as experts in eliciting testimony about financial documents. To provide restructuring professionals with a useful resource in understanding how to present financial documents as evidence, this webinar will offer the following:

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NO CLE - Back to Basics Series (ALL) - What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Hedge Funds

In 2012, an ABI commission examined the role of hedge funds in chapter 11 cases, including the impact of such funds on the bankruptcy process. Among other things, the study found that hedge funds were prevalent in chapter 11 cases and played an “activist role” in shaping bankruptcy outcomes. Despite this finding, many lawyers and business professionals who enter the restructuring world lack familiarity with hedge funds, how they function and how they can apply in a bankruptcy context. This webinar will serve as an introductory primer on hedge funds in bankruptcy and will:

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NO CLE - Business Reorganization/International

Cross-Border Enforcement of Orders in Restructuring Cases

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