Turnaround Issues

NO CLE - Consumer Forum Session: Where the Fugawi, and How Did We Get Here?

Young lawyers frequently learn that they will be working on a new chapter 11 case when they are directed to start drafting pleadings. This session, spearheaded by members of ABI’s Young & New Members Committee, is geared toward gaining an understanding of what precedes that moment by (1) advising and educating the new(er) generation of bankruptcy professionals on the background and “big picture” of a chapter 11 case, and (2) advising and educating the newest generation of bankruptcy professionals on pre-filing strategies.

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NO CLE - Where the Fugawi, and How Did We Get Here?

Young lawyers frequently learn that they will be working on a new chapter 11 case when they are directed to start drafting pleadings. This session, spearheaded by members of ABI’s Young & New Members Committee, is geared toward gaining an understanding of what precedes that moment by (1) advising and educating the new(er) generation of bankruptcy professionals on the background and “big picture” of a chapter 11 case, and (2) advising and educating the newest generation of bankruptcy professionals on pre-filing strategies.

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NO CLE - Ethical Turnarounds

This panel will discuss how law firms can use turnaround techniques to maximize the value of their services for themselves and their clients.

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NO CLE - Track A: Valuation Fundamentals Workshop: Case Study: An Interactive Negotiation of a Distressed Company Restructuring

Using a case study approach, this panel will examine the restructuring alternatives of a typical mid-cap company, with mock negotiations between and among a distressed company, its senior secured bank lenders, its mezzanine lenders and the equity. The presentation will focus on valuation, along with the benefits and burdens of (1) bankruptcy, (2) exercising the rights and remedies of a secure lender, (3) a consensual out-of-court restructuring and (4) the techniques and strategies for each constituency to achieve its goals.

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NO CLE - Independent Directors, Beware! Corporate Governance Issues in Restructurings, Chapter 11 Cases and Liquidations

Independent board directors play a vital and increasingly important role in restructurings. Acting as an independent director has great rewards, but it also has risks in today’s restructuring environment.

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NO CLE - Talking with the Bank’s Special Assets and Work-Out Officers: What Are You Thinking?

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NO CLE - Financing the Turnaround and the Plan: Issues Involving the § 1111(b)(2) Election, Plan Feasibility and Cramdown Interest Rate Complexities

This panel will examine a multitude of issues involved in financing a chapter 11 exit, including the complications caused by a § 1111(b) election and plan treatment options. Feasibility issues, including balloon provisions and deed-in-lieu clauses, will also be discussed, as well as issues that arise when determining whether a plan is fair and equitable, including deferred payment clauses, interest rates, negative amortization, partial surrender of collateral, carve-outs and differing treatment of trade claims.

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NO CLE - Financial Track: ABI/TMA Panel: The Financial Professional’s Role in Out-of-Court Restructurings and Dissolutions

In today’s marketplace, more and more thought is being given to pursuing state law remedies rather than commencing chapter 11 cases. This is especially true in the middle market. This panel will discuss the financial professional’s role and obligations in out-of-court restructuring solutions, including compositions, foreclosures, assignments for the benefit of creditors and asset sales.

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NO CLE - Business Session Part II: A Potpourri of Current Problems in Restructuring

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NO CLE - Business Session Part I: A Potpourri of Current Problems in Restructuring

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