2015 VALCON, 2015

NO CLE - Track B: Technical Valuation Issues: Liquidating Trusts

This panel will focus on developments related to the use of liquidating trusts from both the legal and financial reporting perspectives. Expected topics will include the use of liquidating trusts in the prosecution of actions on behalf of, and for the benefit, of creditors (and the financial concerns, timing, and fiduciary concerns that accompany the prosecution of the same), and the application of recent accounting pronouncements related to liquidation accounting and the accompanying valuation considerations.

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NO CLE - Track B: Technical Valuation Issues: Assessment and Quantification of Long-Term, Unliquidated Debt

Issues surrounding the assessment and quantification of long-term, unliquidated obligations; such as pensions, environmental remediation, and perpetual care of cemeteries, are complex and divisive. This panel will explore the issues, as well as methods and techniques, to be considered when assessing and quantifying such debt in the context of financial distress and bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Track B: Technical Valuation Issues: Valuation Adjustment

Valuation is a critical, and often hotly disputed, issue in most bankruptcy cases. Enterprise valuations drive creditor recoveries, and solvency valuations are often outcome-determinative for the success (or failure) of fraudulent transfer and other bankruptcy-related litigation. As a result, valuation disputes often become mini-battles of the experts, the reasonableness of their assumptions and their relative credibility.

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NO CLE - Track A: Valuation Fundamentals Workshop: Case Study: An Interactive Negotiation of a Distressed Company Restructuring

Using a case study approach, this panel will examine the restructuring alternatives of a typical mid-cap company, with mock negotiations between and among a distressed company, its senior secured bank lenders, its mezzanine lenders and the equity. The presentation will focus on valuation, along with the benefits and burdens of (1) bankruptcy, (2) exercising the rights and remedies of a secure lender, (3) a consensual out-of-court restructuring and (4) the techniques and strategies for each constituency to achieve its goals.

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NO CLE - Track A: Valuation Fundamentals Workshop: Fundamentals of Valuation and Methodologies

A review and analysis of the cost, market and income (cash flow) approaches in business valuation, including key assumptions in each of these valuation methodologies and a discussion of how academics and practitioners vary in their approaches.

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NO CLE - Accounting and Finance Basics: Key Characteristics in Analyzing Distressed Entities

Distressed companies usually show declining financial performance prior to failure. This session will focus on key financial ratios such as liquidity, leverage and coverage, as well as a firm’s sources and uses of funds, cash-conversion cycle and free cash flow, both before and after restructuring.

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