2022, 2022 Consumer Practice Extravaganza (CPEX22)

NO CLE - The Basics of Chapter 13s and Student Loans

This panel will discuss the integration of student loans into your chapter 13 practice, particularly how to approach student loans with a consideration of potential litigation occurring during or as part of the chapter 13 process, and language that should be included within your chapter 13 plans to better assist your clients.

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The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act play increasingly critical roles. This panel will introduce and explain the most important features of the FDCPA and RESPA.

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NO CLE - Exiting the Practice: Planned and Unexpected

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NO CLE - Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle

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NO CLE - The Basics of Student Loans: Acronyms, Payment Plans, Forgiveness Plans and Administrative Discharges

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NO CLE - Post-COVID-19 Mortgage Issues

The global pandemic has had an incredible impact on mortgage issues in consumer bankruptcies and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. From the CARES Act forbearances, to resolving those forbearances through a waterfall of options including partial-claim mortgages, deferral agreements and modifications, to HAF funds, potential sales and other loss-mitigation options, this panel will discuss the pandemic's effects on consumer bankruptcies and the various issues that creditor and debtor attorneys will have to navigate.

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NO CLE - The Roles and Powers of Trustees

This panel will discuss how trustees are paid and a trustee’s role upon conversion.

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NO CLE - Intersection of Ethics and Technology

With every new technology, there are potential legal and business risks, as well as ethical concerns. This panel will include a discussion of the ethical duties surrounding using third-party vendors.

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NO CLE - Using Yoga and Mindfulness to Assist Your Legal Practice

This panel will discuss mindfulness to control runaway mind moments and center your thoughts. Learn skills so that you are in control of your thoughts and not your thoughts controlling you.

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NO CLE - Working with State and Federal Taxing Authorities

Learn about the hot buttons, goals and objectives of state and federal taxing authorities in the zone of insolvency during this lively session.

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