Executory Contracts/Leases

NO CLE - A License to Kill: Executory IP Contracts, Licenses and Intellectual Property Transactions in Bankruptcy

This panel will discuss exclusive and non-exclusive IP licenses and executory contract assumption as well as the assignment of IP Licenses, security interests in IP Licenses and a case study regarding the valuation and marketing of IP in the context of insolvency or forced sales.

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NO CLE - Judicial Panel

Join us for a discussion on hot topics and recent developments in chapter 11, including circuit splits, cross-border protocols, local rules and recent Supreme Court decisions. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to pose questions to the panel. Attendees interested in submitting questions are asked to post questions by email not later than 24 hours prior to this session (address will be provided upon conference registration).

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NO CLE - Demystification of Executory Contracts in Bankruptcy

Hear Judge Harner interview the leading bankruptcy scholar on executory contracts, Prof. Jay Westbrook, as he explains and “demystifies” them.

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NO CLE: Case Law and Rules Update

This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2017 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

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NO CLE - Documentation Issues/Proper Structuring of Transactions to Strengthen Position in Bankruptcy

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NO CLE - Crucial Concepts in Drafting Contracts (Beyond the Basics)

This is not Contracts 101, but rather a panel discussion of the critical aspects of drafting contract that attorneys often forget. The panel shall discuss rules of contract construction including the last antecedent rule and its grammatical corollary, judicially adopted rules of interpretation. The panel will discuss how to avoid redundancies and ambiguities (including undefined terms) that create uncertainty and lead to costly and avoidable disputes. The program will discuss nuanced concepts which lead to more effective contracts.

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NO CLE - Business Session: Case Law Update

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NO CLE - Government Contracts and Bankruptcy: What Happens When Things Go South? - Session 1: Government Contracts Issues for the Bankruptcy Professional

a. terminations (convenience/default)
b. effect of FAR bankruptcy clause
c. subprime/prime issues: rights of the subcontractor when the prime contractor files
d. novation
e. assignment of government contracts receivables
f. effect of Assignment of Claims Act/UCC

Lawrence P. Block
Stinson Leonard Street LLP; Washington, D.C.
Hilary S. Cairnie
BakerHostetler; Washington, D.C.
Lawrence Sher
Reed Smith LLP; Washington, D.C.
Holly E. Svetz
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP; Tysons Corner, Va.
Janet M. Nesse
Stinson Leonard Street LLP; Washington, D.C.

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NO CLE - Government Contracts and Bankruptcy: What Happens When Things Go South? - Session 2: Bankruptcy Issues for the Government Contracts Professional

a. the automatic stay and relief from the stay
b. discrimination against the debtor, and how that affects termination
c. setoff/recoupment
d. buying assets in bankruptcy
e. executory contracts issues
f. claims by government agencies
g. adversary proceedings and other litigation with the government
h. employee claims
i. interactions with the DOL, DOJ, etc.

Lawrence P. Block
Stinson Leonard Street LLP; Washington, D.C.
Hilary S. Cairnie
BakerHostetler; Washington, D.C.
Lawrence Sher
Reed Smith LLP; Washington, D.C.
Holly E. Svetz

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NO CLE - Business Update 2014

Find out the latest happenings in all of the Southern Districts. What can impact your practice? What should?

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