2016 Southeast Bankruptcy Conference, 2014

NO CLE - Disclosure? We Don’t Need No Stinking Disclosure! Rule 2014 and Ethical Conflicts of Interest

Once again, dear fans, Boris Badenough is involved in a hot chapter 11 case — this time involving Time & Lord, the owner of a failed movie franchise, “Fat Contests” (based on the book of the same name about an eat-to-the-death contest involving ordinary citizens in a future ruled by junk-food companies). Boris’s wife, Sophia, has been retained by Dallick Capital, the debtor’s investment banker, to handle the sale of the debtor’s intellectual property.

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NO CLE - Individual Chapter 11 Problems and Solutions, Including LLC Membership Interests, Absolute Priority Rule and Lifestyle Challenges

This panel consists of debtor and creditor lawyers who will debate current problematic issues in chapter 11 cases filed by individuals, including the absolute priority rule and challenges to the lifestyles of wealthy debtors.

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NO CLE - Judges’ Roundtable

You'll have to join us to find out what this one is about. Have lunch with several of the judges at the conference, and have your questions and comments ready.

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Media: Audio

NO CLE - Business Update 2014

Find out the latest happenings in all of the Southern Districts. What can impact your practice? What should?

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NO CLE - Employment and Benefits Issues in Chapter 11

The panel will discuss employment and benefits issues that frequently arise in chapter 11 cases, including employment contracts, retention and incentive plans, the WARN Act, and the impact of filings on employee benefit plans.

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Media: Audio

NO CLE - What You Don’t Know about E-Discovery Can Hurt You: Lessons Learned from Litigation

If you are still printing or PDFing documents in your bankruptcy matters, you could be missing out on other powerful ways to analyze information, save money and time, and shed light on facts that might otherwise go unnoticed. As bankruptcy courts now require the production of electronic documents, learn what can you do avoid headaches, costs and sanctions .

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Media: Audio

NO CLE - Welcome to the Chapter 11 Races! Jockeying for Position and Setting the Boundaries for Appropriate First-Day Relief

This panel will present a spirited discussion of what is and is not appropriate to include in first-day motions in chapter 11 cases by examining a hypothetical case that includes an “overachiever” debtor’s counsel and zealous DIP financing counsel, how a judge might rule on these issues, and how the FRBP and any local rules may dictate the result.

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Media: Audio

NO CLE - Residential Mortgage Mediations in Bankruptcy: What Works, and How to Mediate Successfully

This panel will look at several bankruptcy mortgage mediation programs around the country, and will discuss what parties need to do in order to make mortgage mediations successful in consumer bankruptcy cases.

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NO CLE - Not Just Another Infomercial: The Pros and Cons of the Proposed Chapter 13 Plan Form and Rules Changes

This panel will take an objective look at the viability and the purposes of the proposed national plan form and the amendments to the bankruptcy rules related thereto.

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NO CLE - Lien-Stripping in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13

This panel will discuss the current status of the law related to lien-stripping in chapter 7 and chapter 20 cases — including an update on the lien-stripping cases pending before the Supreme Court and Eleventh Circuit, and their potential impact on future bankruptcy practice in all chapters.

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Media: Audio
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