Practice and Procedure

NO CLE - Depositions in Consumer Bankruptcy Cases

This session will focus on depositions in consumer bankruptcy cases, such as lien strips, objections to exemptions, good-faith challenges to chapter 13 plans, and dischargeability issues in consumer bankruptcy cases. All aspects of a deposition will be considered. How does one prepare to take someone’s deposition? How do you prepare your client to be deposed? How do you conduct yourself when representing the deponent? What can you object to? Can the deposition be stopped? How does one resolve objections and disputes during the deposition?

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NO CLE - Watch Out for the Bus!! Succession Planning for Lawyers and Their Firms

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NO CLE - A Comparison of Individual Chapter 11s to Chapter 13: There Is a Decided Difference

While they share many similarities, individual chapter 11 cases are markedly different from chapter 13 cases. This session will highlight the differences between these two types of cases and the potential pitfalls that exist for the uninformed practitioner.

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NO CLE - Representing the Corporate Client in Bankruptcy

This session will discuss the difficulties in representing a corporate client, including issues that arise when there is a conflict between what is in the best interest of the company versus the personal interests of the officers and directors, especially in an insolvency situation.

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NO CLE - How to Argue Bankruptcy Issues to Courts of General Jurisdiction

This session will provide guidance on how to frame your argument, avoid jargon, provide the appropriate statutory framework and strengthen your case when presenting arguments before nonbankruptcy judges.

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NO CLE - How to Use Adversary Proceedings Process in Chapter 7 and 13 Cases

This panel will discuss how consumer attorneys can use chapter 5 avoidance actions and other adversary proceedings in chapter 7 and 13 cases.

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NO CLE - What Do Clients Really Want? (Consumer Cross-Over Panel)

This panel will include individuals from various business sectors discussing how they select counsel and what they expect from their counsel during the representation.

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NO CLE - Business Development and Marketing Your Practice (Consumer Cross-Over Panel)

The panel will discuss the ins and outs of business development and the various ways attorneys and their firms market their practices.

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NO CLE - All in the Family, or Who Is Your Client?

Knowing who your client is and what duties you have is a problem in cases ranging from the mega Caesars bankruptcy case to actions involving a distressed small family business that is jointly owned by several relatives. This presentation will address several attorney/client ethical issues, both in and out of bankruptcy, when jointly representing clients, including practical considerations when representing a group of closely related businesses, attorney/client privileges between multiple clients, and state and federal law ethical issues related to “who is your client.”

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NO CLE - Show Me the Paperwork

What happens when the lender or debtor is missing key documents or has inadequate documentation? What if there is a lack of original signatures? These and other practical topics will be discussed.

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