2016, 2016 Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop

NO CLE - Fashionable Trends in Consumer Fraud

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NO CLE - Jaunty Judicial Debates

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NO CLE - Show Me the Paperwork

What happens when the lender or debtor is missing key documents or has inadequate documentation? What if there is a lack of original signatures? These and other practical topics will be discussed.

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NO CLE - The Details of Retail: Can You Reorganize Middle-Market Retailers?

The panel will discuss GOB and consignment issues, consumer privacy issues and WARN Act issues and will address the following question: Does reorganization exist for middle-market retailers?

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Media: Audio
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NO CLE - To Appoint or Not Appoint When Managing Bankruptcy

This panel will discuss chapter 11 trustee appointments.

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NO CLE - The Art of Auctioning in Bankruptcy

This panel will discuss game theories and claims trading, the private-equity angle, pre-petition debt-buying, due-process issues and information-adequacy issues in first-day sale motions.

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Media: Audio
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NO CLE - Restoring and Saving Electronic Data in Bankruptcy

This panel will discuss data-retention concerns for bankruptcy trustees.

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NO CLE - Up in the Air with Obamacare and Health Care Distress

This panel will discuss the three major segments that are ripe to go through distress in the next several years, namely residential care, durable medical equipment, and testing labs/imaging facilities. The panel will also discuss hospital cases (including the sale of nonprofits to for-profits).

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Media: Video
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NO CLE - Too Many Chiefs Make for a CROwded Reorganization: Ethics

This panel will discuss potential conflicts when a lender regularly recommends that a debtor hire their preferred CRO (the debtor is the CRO’s client, but a “one off” client) and the lender is a repeat business, as well as the 1% Rule and retention application disclosures/potential conflicts.

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NO CLE - Fueling the Bankruptcy Fire: Restructuring the Oil & Gas Industry

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