Consumer Bankruptcy

Post-COVID Mortgage Issues in Chapter 13


Chapter 13 to Sub V: Fear Not, Consumer Attorneys


Bankruptcy Ethics & Malpractice


NO CLE: Real Property Potpourri

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NO CLE: Eligibility Issues for Consumer Debtors

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Evidentiary Mock Trial


Tax Issues in Bankruptcy

NO CLE: Saving a Family Home, and the Ins and Outs of 3002.1

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Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle

This panel will explore the thorniest questions that have plagued the courts and created circuit splits regarding consumer bankruptcies, including: Does the Bartenwerfer rule only apply to partnerships and agencies; how much, if anything, may chapter 13 debtors contribute to 401(k)s; who gets post-petition appreciation in a home in chapter 13; and are trustees paid if dismissal precedes confirmation?


Supreme Court Jurisprudence

The panel will discuss bankruptcy Supreme Court cases from the last two years and their effects at the trial court level. The panelists will also highlight key issues where there are circuit splits that may provide ground for future Supreme Court jurisprudence.

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