Consumer Bankruptcy

Student Loans

Circuit Splits & Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle

Join ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle for this fun and informative session as he and several bankruptcy judges discuss circuit splits and hot topics on important bankruptcy issues. An attendee favorite!


Property of the Estate


Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Conversions


Bankruptcy and Divorce

What is a DSO, and what does that bankruptcy provision in every Property Settlement Agreement mean, anyway? What debts are dischargeable, and if it is called “support,” is it truly support? Does the stay need to be modified post-petition in a chapter 13, and what do you do when a current chapter 13 client ends up in divorce court? This panel will address these questions and more, including the differences between chapters 7 and 13, and what actions are stayed.


Circuit Splits and Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle and Friends

Join ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle for this fun and informative session as he and several bankruptcy judges discuss circuit splits and hot topics on important bankruptcy issues. An attendee favorite!


ABI-Live: Bankruptcy Filing Growth: Will Increases Continue Beyond 1Q 2023?

Sponsored by Epiq Bankruptcy
Year-over-year bankruptcy filings are poised to show solid increases across most chapters in 1Q 2023. What categories of consumer and business filings are showing the largest growth? How do filings compare among different stakeholders and regions of the U.S., and will the trends continue in the year ahead? Join ABI and statistical partner Epiq Bankruptcy Analytics for a special abiLIVE webinar during which experts will discuss first-quarter filings, and what trends might lie ahead.


NO CLE: Exemptions! Exemptions! Exemptions!

This session will provide a detailed look at homestead and tenancy by the entirety exemptions, as well as retirement assets in bankruptcy.

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NO CLE: Subchapter V: The New Frontier for Small Businesses and Individuals

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NO CLE: Understanding Proofs of Claim and Claims Allowances

This panel will examine what is necessary to file a proof of claim, as well as claim allowances and estimation procedures. The panelists will also discuss valuation considerations and the recovery of interest for secured and unsecured claims and no-look fees.

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