2023, 2023 Central States Bankruptcy Workshop

Avoidance Actions


Student Loans

Circuit Splits & Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle

Join ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle for this fun and informative session as he and several bankruptcy judges discuss circuit splits and hot topics on important bankruptcy issues. An attendee favorite!


Trial Skills: Valuation Hearings

This panel will present a mock trial focusing on valuation, with the panelists serving as counsel arguing each side, and as a witness and a judge. The session will cover direct and cross-examination topics that come into play with valuations, including expert witness issues, applicable evidentiary rules and procedural aspects.


Property of the Estate


Recent Issues with Fraudulent Transfers and Preferences

This panel will address recent case developments in fraudulent transfer and preference law, and their practical implications for practitioners. The discussion will include whether and how to advise clients preparing for bankruptcy with an eye toward fraudulent transfer and preference issues, and whether and how to recover on and monetize these actions during bankruptcy.


Mass Torts and Insurance Issues


Bankruptcy Alternatives and High Times

Panelists from around the Central States region will discuss the current status of receiverships in their states, with a specific focus on cannabis cases.


Mediation and Risk Analysis

The panelists and the audience will discuss the fundamentals of mediation and risk assessment, focusing on key skills that can increase the effectiveness of their mediations. This session will cover best practices for mediators to maximize their chances for successful mediations, common pitfalls in assessing your client’s risk and how to overcome them, and the importance of confidentiality in mediation.

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