Business Reorganization

NO CLE - Great Debates

Resolved: Third-party releases should never be permitted.
Resolved: Jevic does not apply to gifting.

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NO CLE - Special Issues Involving LLC

This panel will discuss the viability of bankruptcy remote LLC structures after Intervention Energy Holdings and Lake Michigan Beach Pottawattamie Resort, and the fiduciary duties of members. The panel will also explore derivative claims, special concerns regarding single-member LLCs, and sales of LLC interests.

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NO CLE: Case Law and Rules Update

This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2017 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

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NO CLE - How Will Jevic Change Chapter 11 Practice?

This panel features leading professionals in the chapter 11 practice area who were directly involved in the Jevic chapter 11 case, as well as a distinguished retired bankruptcy judge. This session will cover the underlying Jevic chapter 11 case, the Supreme Court’s opinion in Jevic and its impact on chapter 11 practice, and strategic alternatives in light of the decision.

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NO CLE - Let's Dip into the DIP Order

Do you know and understand what’s in your DIP order? This panel will break down some examples of issues that create frustration for bankruptcy judges through inconsistent language, overreaching requirements, misinterpretation or fundamental flaws. Panelists will navigate the typical DIP motion through drafting to final order.

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NO CLE - The Closely Held Business in Financial Trouble: Unraveling Conflicts Within the “Family”

When financial trouble hits the closely held business, a more complicated structure often lurks below the surface. What the “family” views as a single business may actually be several entities with a long history of intercompany transactions. Conversely, one generation may have transitioned out of the business but might still be receiving compensation from the business under the control of the next generation. The problems are heightened when your contact at the client is an individual who wears various “hats,” including president, board chair, CEO and potential defendant.

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NO CLE - Sealing the Deal: Negotiating, Documenting and Consummating Settlements in Bankruptcy

This interactive nuts-and-bolts panel will discuss three phases of settlements in the context of a bankruptcy case: (1) negotiating a settlement, including evaluating the benefits of settlement versus litigation risk and expense, negotiating tactics and strategies, and the role of the mediator; (2) drafting term sheets and settlement agreements, an overview of the law on the enforceability of term sheets and settlement agreements (both pre- and post-court approval), and the components of the settlement agreement; and (3) consummating the settlement, with an emphasis on Federal Rule of Bankrupt

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NO CLE - Will Your Shipment Come In? How Bankruptcy Affects Transportation Issues on Water and Land

This panel will feature a wide-ranging discussion of bankruptcy and other issues affecting the transportation and shipping industries, as well as the current and future financial stresses in the industries. Lessons from the Hanjin Shipping case will also be discussed.

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NO CLE - GM/Successor Liability Sale Issues: What Now?

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NO CLE - Case Law Update: Business and Consumer Law Developments

This panel will present a lively discussion of key issues decided in business and consumer bankruptcy cases throughout the country over the past year.

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