2017, 2017 24th Annual Northeast Conference

NO CLE - Reaffirmation and Surrender: A Debtor’s Dilemma Demystified

This panel will discuss recent case law highlighting the fallout from failing to reaffirm, what “surrender” really means, and what you need to know when advising your client on the benefits and burdens of reaffirmation and surrender.

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NO CLE - What’s Your Favorite? Supreme Court Decisions that Will Impact (and Already Have Impacted) Bankruptcy Practice

A panel of judges, academics and Supreme Court practitioners will lead a discussion regarding the 2016-17 Supreme Court decisions of note for insolvency practitioners, as well as the high court’s most impactful, interesting or problematic decisions on bankruptcy practice to date. Amendments to Rule 37(e) (in effect since December 2015), as well as courts’ and litigants’ experiences with amended Rule 37(e), will also be discussed.

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NO CLE - Disincorporation: Pre-Petition Planning Versus a Harbinger for Disaster

This panel will discuss the growing practice of the pre-petition transfer of business assets to insiders to allow for an individual filing, and the resulting issues for the debtor and its creditors. Is it fraud per se, or is it a creative way to get your individual client and their business assets into one case? Join us as we discuss this inspired, but precarious, practice.

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NO CLE - ESI and Ethics: How to Avoid Sanctions — and Worse

Emails, text messages, Snapchat: Nobody ever calls anymore. Firing off an email three minutes after somebody made you angry gives rise to any number of issues, one of them being that once the “send” button is hit, electronically stored information (ESI) is created.

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NO CLE - NEW SESSION! Puerto Rico: The View From The Inside.

Led by Luis Pabon-Roca, the host of the highest rated political radio show and of a televised political talk show, a panel of professionals involved in the Puerto Rico PROMESA proceedings and a jurist who has presided over a municipal bankruptcy will discuss the current political, social and legal conditions in the Commonwealth and before the court in the largest governmental entity insolvency proceeding in United States history.

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NO CLE - Stranger Things in Chapter 13

Balloon payments, assets acquired post-petition, student loan classifications and discharged debts related to criminal activity: Can these issues be navigated without throwing a debtor’s plan upside down? Catch up on strategic tips and considerations that will help you get your debtor to the other side of a chapter 13.

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NO CLE - The Closely Held Business in Financial Trouble: Unraveling Conflicts Within the “Family”

When financial trouble hits the closely held business, a more complicated structure often lurks below the surface. What the “family” views as a single business may actually be several entities with a long history of intercompany transactions. Conversely, one generation may have transitioned out of the business but might still be receiving compensation from the business under the control of the next generation. The problems are heightened when your contact at the client is an individual who wears various “hats,” including president, board chair, CEO and potential defendant.

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NO CLE - The Critical Role of Financial Advisors in Unwinding Ponzi Schemes

How do you come to understand a business whose very survival was dependent on ensuring that nobody could understand the business? When administering Ponzi-related bankruptcies, actions taken at the outset are often determinative of the results, but what do you do when the books and records are fiction?

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NO CLE - Litigation: Expert Cross-Examination Stratego!

Challenging an expert witness requires more than just wondering what questions to ask on cross-examination. Is the expert witness even an expert in the right subject matter? Should the expert be deposed before trial and challenged before he or she takes the stand, or would cross-examination without giving the expert the clues that come with deposition questions present the best opportunity to defuse the weight of the expert’s opinion? How can the trial lawyer prepare for cross-examination of an expert and contain the damage done on direct examination of the expert?

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NO CLE - Plan Conversions of Debt to Equity: The Means, the Math, the Risks and the Upsides

The next evolution of insolvency practice is upon us. The morphing of what started as a restructuring practice into a § 363 sale practice is old news, while the more recent introduction of nontraditional, sophisticated financial investors into the process has brought about another evolution: the debt-to-equity conversion.

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