Financial Advisors

NO CLE - Business Reorganization/Ethics and Professional Compensation/Financial Advisors and Investment Banking

The Jay Alix Protocol Revisited: What Is It, How and When Has It Been/Is It Applied, Should It Be Applied Rigidly or Loosely, and Does a Viable Alternative Exist? Tips for Lawyers and Financial Professionals in Dealing with the Protocol

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NO CLE - How to Hire the Right Financial Advisors

"How to Hire the Right Financial Advisors" will provide attendees with an overview and basic understanding of the different types of financial advisors that may be relevant for in- and out-of-court cases. Our experienced panel will provide an informative discussion about matching the right type of financial advisor with the specific needs of each case, drawing upon both empirical examples and their own personal experiences. This is a perfect session for junior attorneys and/or attorneys with more limited experience in the bankruptcy environment. Topics include:

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NO CLE - Very Good Debates

Business Debate
Resolved: Success fees for financial advisors should be eliminated.
(Sides to be chosen by a coin toss at the beginning of the session.)
Candace C. Carlyon
Shea & Carlyon Ltd.; Las Vegas
Frank A. Merola
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP; Los Angeles
Judicial Debate
Resolved: Claims benefiting from third-party guaranties may be separately classified.
Pro: Hon. Barry Russell

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NO CLE - Financial Advisors Roundtable: The Value of Valuations and Payment of Success Fees (Best and Worst Practices)

This panel will discuss examples of when and how t use valuation opinions and expertise, and the fee structure pitfalls that can impact credibility. When is it appropriate (if ever) to use success fees for valuation opinions.

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NO CLE - Financial Advisors & Investment Banking/Secured Credit/Unsecured Trade Creditors

And Now That the Auction Is Over, Let the Bidding Begin

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NO CLE - Current Issues for Financial Advisors in Bankruptcy Cases

Financial Advisors Track: Current Issues for Financial Advisors in Bankruptcy Cases

This panel will discuss the various governance, operational and quasi-legal issues that financial advisors deal with on a day-to-day basis before, during and after the commencement of a chapter 11 case. Topics will include addressing management fraud, dealing with ERISA/labor/WARN Act/union issues, navigating corporate governance issues, Dodd-Frank compliance, and the state of the law on pursuit of accounting and securities fraud claims.

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NO CLE - The Ethical Compass: Multiple Ethical Schemes Applicable to Financial Advisors

Financial Advisors Track: The Ethical Compass: Multiple Ethical Schemes Applicable to Financial Advisors

This panel will focus on the variety of rules, statutes and codes that govern the conduct of financial advisors, including the Bankruptcy Code and Rules, TMA and AIRA Codes of Ethics, Licensure rules (e.g., for CPAs), state law governing trustee roles, etc.

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NO CLE - When Bubbles Burst

Three years of disappointing recovery have come at the cost of unprecedented policy actions, both in monetary and fiscal policy. Bar a major failure in resolving the "fiscal cliff" negotiations, the economic outlook may improve in 2013, but questions remain about what the "exit" strategy will be. Are new financial imbalances building into the economy? Are low interest rates fostering an excessive accumulation of private and public debt? How vulnerable the financial system and the corporate sector are to a normalization in interest rates? Mr.

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NO CLE - Latest Wide World of Fraud: Claims and Defenses in Actions Targeting Investors, Bankers, Accountants and Attorneys

Business: Claims and Defenses in Actions Targeting Investors, Bankers, Accountants and Attorneys

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