2017 Bankruptcy Battleground West, 2013

NO CLE - When Bubbles Burst

Three years of disappointing recovery have come at the cost of unprecedented policy actions, both in monetary and fiscal policy. Bar a major failure in resolving the "fiscal cliff" negotiations, the economic outlook may improve in 2013, but questions remain about what the "exit" strategy will be. Are new financial imbalances building into the economy? Are low interest rates fostering an excessive accumulation of private and public debt? How vulnerable the financial system and the corporate sector are to a normalization in interest rates? Mr.

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NO CLE - Where is Your Next Case Coming From? Hear Expert Opinions on Three Likely Industries

Our industry experts have hand selected three industries that have seen a slate of recent filings or regulatory upheaval – clean energy, protein/ poultry, and healthcare-- and will examine if we’ve hit bottom or merely the tip of the iceberg.

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NO CLE - Law Firm Insolvencies from Finley to Dewey: Have We Learned Anything Yet?

From the 1987 Finley Kumble collapse to the spectacular 2012 Dewey LeBoeuf implosion, law firm bankruptcies have produced remarkable forum shopping, creative legal theories, conflicting case law, and painful reckonings for partners and their new firms. Panelists will discuss the economics and consequences of firm collapses, case administration challenges, and resulting litigation frenzies.

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NO CLE - Boom & Bust: California Cities

The panelists will discuss pending Chapter 9 cases involving a number of California cities including Stockton, San Bernardino, and Mammoth Lakes, along with matters particular to municipalities in California including the requirements on AB 506 and its gate-keeper function, the structure and enforcement municipal bonds in California borne out of unique California constitutional requirements, the checkpoints that must be navigated for cities to gain access to the bankruptcy courts and the constitutional limits on the bankruptcy court’s jurisdiction under the 11th Amendment.

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NO CLE - Current Topics in Bankruptcy Litigation (Trying Cases in Trying Times Without Trying Your Judges Patience)

Litigation claims are often the most valuable estate assets especially in our growing trend toward liquidating cases. This panel will explore litigation trends, strategies and alternative theories of recovery reflective of the need to focus on litigation in the absence of traditional reorganization. Pick up some helpful trial tips and practice pointers ranging from identifying causes of action, choosing your jurisdiction, engaging professionals, preparing experts and readying yourself for trial.

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NO CLE - Exciting Ninth Circuit Chapter 11 Plan Confirmation Developments

This panel will explore recent developments in several Ninth Circuit Chapter 11 plan cases, from contested new value plans and interest rate valuations in the cramdown context, 1111(b) elections, designating votes, plan mootness and dealing with the reversal of plan confirmation orders, classification, and ways to maximize the value of the estate post confirmation.

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