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Featuring an investor from Frist Cressey Ventures, a partner at Heritage Group and a partner at Cressey & Co.
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This panel of health care experts will explain some of the unique features of health care cases in general by comparing notes on current operational challenges and pre-bankruptcy considerations, discussing the pros and cons of receiverships vs. chapter 11, covering specific health care-relevant provisions in the Code, and discussing sale considerations in health care cases.
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This panel will discuss issues affecting the elderly in bankruptcy cases, including attorney misconduct, scams and identify theft, childrens’ mishandling of parents’ assets, wills, trusts, life estates and judgments, and reverse mortgages.
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This panel will cover the various overlapping bankruptcy law and regulatory issues facing the transfer of a health care business, including financing obstacles, license transfers, successor liability, recapturing of Medicare or Medicaid overpayments, attorney general consent procedures, and related governmental issues particular to health care transactions. This practical panel will include tips of the trade for paving the way to a smooth closing and transition.
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The senior living sector, already stressed prior to the pandemic, has been upended by COVID-19. This panel will discuss the effects that COVID-19 has had on operational and financial performance, business models past and future, and the real estate valuations of senior living facilities. The panel will also identify what in-court and out-of-court alternatives exist, and will highlight adaptive reuse opportunities for owners and operators of these facilities.
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