2022, 2022 Annual Spring Meeting

NO CLE - 40 Years of ABI and Insolvency

Industry experts from the past four decades will walk attendees down insolvency memory lane.

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NO CLE - Texas Two-Step of Tort Liability (J&J)

Over the past decade, companies burdened with significant asbestos and other tort liability have utilized the so-called “Texas Two-Step” strategy to separate those tort liabilities from core assets and resolve them through the chapter 11 bankruptcy process. This session will cover isolating liabilities to preserve ongoing value with mass torts and corporate side changes, and subsequent bankruptcy issues, including venue, ongoing operations, valuations and third-party releases.

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NO CLE - Challenges Facing Secured Creditors in Asset Sales

This panel will focus on covering lenders’ perspectives on chapter 11 strategy and options, such as note sales, out-of-court restructurings or formal bankruptcy sales, and will discuss lenders’ and borrowers’ perspectives on regulatory challenges and procedural issues, such as anti-trust and environmental concerns, that are sometimes raised during a bankruptcy case, as well as issues with § 363 sales, DIP milestones and restructuring support agreements.

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NO CLE - Subchapter V Landmines: What, Where and How to Deal with Them

This panel of subchapter V experts will discuss the multitude of issues that have developed since the enactment of the statute, and how practitioners can best deal with these issues.

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NO CLE - Corporate Governance in Financially Distressed Companies

This session will cover the use of independent special committees/directors and will include a discussion on what independence entails, including extended family relationships/financial referral relationships, even if they are not formalized.

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NO CLE - The Monetization of Intellectual Property in Bankruptcy and Restructuring

This panel will discuss why the monetization of intellectual property (IP) has become a key strategic tool in restructuring, bankruptcy and acquisitions, and how the importance of monetization has evolved over decades. The panelists include experts in innovation, the role IP plays in bankruptcy and restructuring, how cross-border situations impact the monetization of IP, post-acquisition integration of the IP “footprint,” and other key topics of interest.

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NO CLE - A Primer on Gender Identity and Pronoun Usage

Join ABI's Diversity Working Group to hear from experts on the current trends related to gender identity and pronoun usage, workplace liability issues and more.

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NO CLE - Privileges & Confidentiality in Bankruptcy Litigation

What privileges and confidentiality can be asserted in bankruptcy litigation (e.g., attorney/client, common interest, mediation, etc.), and how do you invoke and preserve these various privileges/confidentialities? This session will identify these issues and address the ethical and legal implications if they they aren’t properly preserved.

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NO CLE - Keynote Luncheon with David Wasserman

David Wasserman is the U.S. House editor and senior election analyst for the nonpartisan newsletter The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter and a contributor to NBC News. The New York Times called The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter “a newsletter that both parties regard as authoritative.” In this mid-term election year, he will provide his predictions and analysis of the current political environment. Mr. Wasserman analyzes the current political environment in lively and entertaining presentations.

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NO CLE - Equitable Mootness: What Should the Law Be?

This panel will take a look at the current state of the law related to equitable mootness, equitable subordination and other equitable doctrines.

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