Investment Banking

NO CLE - Comparison of U.S. vs. European Distressed Debt Market and Restructuring Environment

Legal and cultural investor considerations in specific European jurisdictions (e.g., U.K., Germany and Spain); how the option of U.S. chapter 11 influences investor outcomes; update on the status of bankruptcy reforms in European jurisdictions; multi-jurisdictional issues within European restructurings; how the distressed market functions and impacts restructurings (liquidity, transparency, etc.)

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NO CLE - Financial Advisors & Investment Banking/Secured Credit/Unsecured Trade Creditors

And Now That the Auction Is Over, Let the Bidding Begin

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NO CLE - Current Issues for Financial Advisors in Bankruptcy Cases

Financial Advisors Track: Current Issues for Financial Advisors in Bankruptcy Cases

This panel will discuss the various governance, operational and quasi-legal issues that financial advisors deal with on a day-to-day basis before, during and after the commencement of a chapter 11 case. Topics will include addressing management fraud, dealing with ERISA/labor/WARN Act/union issues, navigating corporate governance issues, Dodd-Frank compliance, and the state of the law on pursuit of accounting and securities fraud claims.

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NO CLE - Inside Look at Distressed Investing

An in-depth discussion from the front lines of distressed investing, with multiple perspectives on how deals and decisions are made. The issues and outcomes for real companies are addressed from the perspectives of judge, financial advisor, debtor and distressed investor.

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NO CLE - Distressed Investing in Europe

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