Investment Banking

NO CLE - Track B: Markets vs. Models

This panel will consider the robustness of financial models and valuation techniques in assessing the value of financially distressed businesses vis-à-vis the market for debt and equity securities of such businesses. Market efficiency/accuracy will also be considered, as well as the circumstances that might warrant abandoning the values determined by the market in favor of a model-driven value estimate.

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NO CLE - Back to Basics Series - What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Hedge Funds

In 2012, an ABI commission examined the role of hedge funds in chapter 11 cases, including the impact of such funds on the bankruptcy process. Among other things, the study found that hedge funds were prevalent in chapter 11 cases and played an “activist role” in shaping bankruptcy outcomes. Despite this finding, many lawyers and business professionals who enter the restructuring world lack familiarity with hedge funds, how they function and how they can apply in a bankruptcy context. This webinar will serve as an introductory primer on hedge funds in bankruptcy and will:

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NO CLE - Back to Basics Series - What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Using Financial Documents as Evidence

In keeping with the theme of “understanding financial concepts,” this webinar focuses on how financial information should be presented in a litigation scenario. This is certainly not a topic limited to attorneys, as it is often financial advisors, investment bankers, accountants and other professionals who must support litigation efforts or serve as experts in eliciting testimony about financial documents. To provide restructuring professionals with a useful resource in understanding how to present financial documents as evidence, this webinar will offer the following:

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NO CLE - Back to Basics Series - What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Financial Statements and Monthly Operating Reports

There are many lawyers and business professionals who enter the restructuring world without accounting or business backgrounds and have a learning curve to overcome when it comes to, for instance, getting a snapshot of the current financial picture of a business by reviewing financial statements or understanding what goes into monthly operating reports and cash flow analyses.

This webinar will therefore serve as a useful tool for professionals by:

*Reviewing in a non-technical manner accounting basics for beginners;

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NO CLE - ABI-LIVE: Back to Basics Series – What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Financial Statements and Monthly Operating Reports

There are many lawyers and business professionals who enter the restructuring world without accounting or business backgrounds and have a learning curve to overcome when it comes to, for instance, getting a snapshot of the current financial picture of a business by reviewing financial statements or understanding what goes into monthly operating reports and cash flow analyses.

This webinar will therefore serve as a useful tool for professionals by:

*Reviewing in a non-technical manner accounting basics for beginners;

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NO CLE - ABI-LIVE: Back to Basics Series - All Three Sessions

- What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Financial Statements and Monthly Operating Reports

- What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Using Financial Documents as Evidence

- What Every Restructuring Professional Should Know about Hedge Funds

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NO CLE - Business Reorganization/Ethics and Professional Compensation/Financial Advisors and Investment Banking

The Jay Alix Protocol Revisited: What Is It, How and When Has It Been/Is It Applied, Should It Be Applied Rigidly or Loosely, and Does a Viable Alternative Exist? Tips for Lawyers and Financial Professionals in Dealing with the Protocol

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NO CLE - How to Hire the Right Financial Advisors

"How to Hire the Right Financial Advisors" will provide attendees with an overview and basic understanding of the different types of financial advisors that may be relevant for in- and out-of-court cases. Our experienced panel will provide an informative discussion about matching the right type of financial advisor with the specific needs of each case, drawing upon both empirical examples and their own personal experiences. This is a perfect session for junior attorneys and/or attorneys with more limited experience in the bankruptcy environment. Topics include:

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NO CLE - Liquidating Broker-Dealers: Lessons from Lehman, MF Global and Madoff

The recent liquidations of Lehman, MF Global and Madoff under the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 (SIPA) are unprecedented in their size and complexity, and have changed the landscape of broker/dealer liquidations. This panel will discuss the nuts and bolts of liquidations under SIPA, the ways in which they differ from chapter 11 cases, and the impact of recent decisions in this area.

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NO CLE - The Morning After: Coping with the Consequences of the Failed LBO/Leveraged Recap Transaction

Was the deal ill-conceived? Was the borrower undercapitalized/overleveraged? Was it the victim of intervening circumstances and unforeseeable events? In today’s covenant-light world, more financial players and operating companies’ owners are availing themselves of relatively accessible credit facilities to cash in on the perceived value of entities with attractive balance sheets. But what happens if the company later fails and ends up in bankruptcy? Are redeeming shareholders really supposed to be the guarantors of the deal’s success?

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