2015 Northeast Bankruptcy Conference, 2013

NO CLE - Bankruptcy Court Trial Practice Symposium

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NO CLE - The Art and Styles of Bankruptcy Negotiations

“Getting to Yes” in the language of the Fisher and Ury book, has become part of the common lexicon. This program will focus on negotiation techniques in the context of a bankruptcy. After an analysis of negotiation techniques applicable to the world of insolvency, experienced practitioners will relay war stories and examples of tactics that have worked, and those that have not.

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NO CLE - E&O and D&O

This panel will first review the scope and types of coverage actually found in a typical E&O Policy and D&O Policy. Second, the Panel will discuss how claims are made under these policies with emphasis on how to assert or plead a claim so as to preserve coverage. Third, the Panel will discuss the law governing the treatment of such policies as “property of the estate” and finally, they will review the treatment and possible priority of claims that are asserted and adjudicated against the Debtor prepetition.

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NO CLE - The Morning After: Coping with the Consequences of the Failed LBO/Leveraged Recap Transaction

Was the deal ill-conceived? Was the borrower undercapitalized/overleveraged? Was it the victim of intervening circumstances and unforeseeable events? In today’s covenant-light world, more financial players and operating companies’ owners are availing themselves of relatively accessible credit facilities to cash in on the perceived value of entities with attractive balance sheets. But what happens if the company later fails and ends up in bankruptcy? Are redeeming shareholders really supposed to be the guarantors of the deal’s success?

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NO CLE - Issues in Individual Chapter 11 Cases

Individual chapter 11 cases pose a number of thorny legal and practical problems for the bankruptcy practitioner. While individual chapter 11 cases contain many elements of corporate chapter 11 and chapter 13 cases, they do not fit comfortably in either chapter. Following the enactment of BAPCPA, courts have struggled to strike the appropriate balance between the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code intended for corporations and those intended for human beings. The result is substantial uncertainty for debtors and creditors alike.

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NO CLE - The Ethics of Networking--Social and Otherwise, and Other Ethical Issues of the Day

This program will address ethical issues unique to the practice of bankruptcy law. With the increasing use of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Linked In, what ethical issues arise? What constitutes advertising and, therefore, under ethical restrictions must be disclosed as such? What constitutes client solicitation and is therefore prohibited? In related topics, how far can an attorney go in attempting to obtain committee representation, and what crosses the ethical boundaries?

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NO CLE - Crisis Communications--Both Legally Required and Strategically Wise

When companies file Chapter 11, they communicate on a number of fronts and through a number of means. Pleadings are fashioned to convey a particular message to the court, creditors and anybody else who might read them. Public companies have certain mandatory disclosures in the form of 8Ks. More importantly, and more interestingly, communications strategies are undertaken by debtors to inform but reassure their customers, vendors and the public. This program will be led by experts in the field of communications in the face of a bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Debtor Migration--Intercontinental, Inter-District and Back

Recent cases have evidenced one form of jurisdictional migration and two forms of venue migration. As to the jurisdictional migration, international companies with virtually no U.S. connection seek to, and generally succeed at, establishing a sufficient U.S. presence to file a Chapter 11 in the United States because, if there are reorganization proceedings in the countries that are their COMIs, they are perceived as inadequate (Marco Polo, Omega, GenMar). What has worked for non-U.S. companies seeking to invoke U.S. Bankruptcy Court jurisdiction, and what is the legal authority?

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NO CLE - The Ebbs and Flows of a Chapter 11 War: the Planet Fitness Reorganization, a Case Study

This program will focus on the legal and business challenges that faced counsel to a debtor, secured lenders and franchisor in a hotly litigated, modest-sized Chapter 11 in Massachusetts involving a two-tiered ownership of six Planet Fitness franchisees.

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NO CLE - Deal Documents: The Transactional Side of a 363 Sale

Unlike most 363 sale programs, this program will not involve the aspects of the sale that are the focus of court proceedings, but will take an in-depth look at the transaction documents that get the deal done. The primary document discussed with be the APA-what does that document need to accomplish, what provisions should be included, how do APAs used in 363 sales differ from other APAs, what to do about reps and warranties and why and, what are the points of negotiation?

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