Real Estate

NO CLE - Real Estate in 2021 and Beyond: Trends from the Pandemic

This panel of legal and business experts will examine the ripple effects of the COVID pandemic on the real estate world, including its impact on office buildings, retail, hospitality and lending. Starting with a brief overview of the market, the panelists will explore the domino effects of the pandemic on tenants, landlords, lenders and investors. What is different about this crisis from previous real estate downturns, and how will (or should) strategies differ? Will we see a wave of SAREs?

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NO CLE - A Catch-22: Dilemmas for Landlords in the Era of COVID-19

Presented by the Real Estate and Unsecured Trade Creditors Committees
This panel will explore the myriad legal conundrums landlords have been facing in bankruptcy cases across the country since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold. Discussion points will include landlord rights to assumption/rejection and timing, the ability of debtors to defer rent payments to landlords for lengthy periods of time, and the impact of force majeure clauses in these disputes.

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NO CLE - ABI: Next Big Wave of Chapter 11s: Corporate Real Estate

Most office employees have been working from home throughout the pandemic, and businesses are increasingly realizing that office space is not as essential as once thought. In addition, retailers are closing their doors permanently or shifting exclusively to online sales. Can corporate real estate survive or reinvent itself?

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NO CLE - ABI-Live: Post-Pandemic Real Estate Restructuring from Wall Street to Main Street

Sponsored by the Real Estate Committee
This panel will provide an overview of the real estate economy and take a look at what restructuring plans may entail in the post-pandemic economy, from large corporate players to small companies and investors, as well as what valuations may look like over the next few years.

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NO CLE - Get a Fresh Perspective: Special-Purpose Entities and Single-Asset Real Estate Insolvencies

This session will review issues currently facing single-asset real estate investing and CMBS markets.

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NO CLE - Fraudulent Schemes Involving Real Estate

Real Estate is red-hot right now — which means it’s an attractant for both the savvy investor and the fraudster. Don’t miss getting the inside scoop on the law and insights from other perspectives concerning the latest schemes and themes in real estate fraud and bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Looking for the Remote: Structuring Enforceable Bankruptcy-Remote, Special-Purpose Entities in Commercial Real Estate Finance

This panel will explore the evolution of real estate financing structures leading up to today’s market, and discusses how current trends and varying structures can affect results in a future workout or bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Realty Bites: Ethical Issues in Real Estate Cases

"Hosted by the Ethics & Professional Development and Real Estate Committees

The panel discussion will focus on scenarios grounded in real estate and ethics, including ethical issues surrounding initial interviews and conflict checks, ethically pursuing cases posing potential good-/bad-faith issues due to cannabis-related uses of real property, whether “zealous representation” is still a guiding principle, whether one may ethically use internet “information” as a litigant and judge, and how to appropriately raise potential judicial misconduct."

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NO CLE - Florida’s Continuing Real Estate Problems

Are we headed for another crash? If so, are we ready? This panel will discuss recent case law and provide a statutory update, including cram down standards in consumer cases and the current market.

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NO CLE - Real Estate Bankruptcy Issues

Join notable experts as they dive into royalty interests: real property or contract interest?, abandonment and environmental liabilities, the Uniform Assignment of Rents Act, are foreclosure sale purchases protected from avoidance under § 547?, circuit split: application of anti-modification clause to mixed-use properties, § 363(h): an oft-forgotten-yet-powerful tool for co-owners of commercial real estate, in the absence of default, are landlords entitled to attorneys’ fees as cure costs upon lease assumption and assignment?, the meaning of “surrendering” real property under § 521, does termi

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