2018, 2018 Winter Leadership Conference

NO CLE - Sharpening the Tools in Your Mediation Toolkit

Hosted by the Mediation and the Unsecured Trade Creditors Committees

Formatted largely as a mock mediation session, this interactive panel will demonstrate best practices to prepare for, participate in, and successfully conclude a mediation session. Topics will include pre-mediation written submissions, preparing clients (and oneself) for a mediation session, managing the mediator and the client once the session begins, strategies for guiding a mediation session to a successful resolution, and tips for breaking an impasse.

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NO CLE - Should We File It Here or There? Venue Options in Cross-Border Cases

Hosted by the International and Young & New Members Committees

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NO CLE - Consumer Update: Hot Topics in Consumer Law (2018 Winter Leadership Conference)

The practice of consumer bankruptcy law is an ever-changing landscape, with new issues arising every day! This panel will explore some of the most recent exciting and evolving decisions including discharge of student loans, the challenges when personal property is repossessed pre-petition, pawn loans and the automatic stay, and consumer class actions in bankruptcies.

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NO CLE - Business Update: Hot Topics in Business Law (2018 Winter Leadership Conference)

Hear from our accomplished panelists as they highlight recent business cases of significance to bankruptcy practitioners.

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NO CLE - Realty Bites: Ethical Issues in Real Estate Cases

"Hosted by the Ethics & Professional Development and Real Estate Committees

The panel discussion will focus on scenarios grounded in real estate and ethics, including ethical issues surrounding initial interviews and conflict checks, ethically pursuing cases posing potential good-/bad-faith issues due to cannabis-related uses of real property, whether “zealous representation” is still a guiding principle, whether one may ethically use internet “information” as a litigant and judge, and how to appropriately raise potential judicial misconduct."

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NO CLE - Business Valuations 101

According to a recent study, 5 out of 4 lawyers struggle with claims calculations! In a mock court presentation, our experts examine diverging opinions over petition period interest rates, use of cash collateral, collateral assignments, and changing collateral values during the petition period.

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NO CLE - Ethics Update: Show Me the Money! How to Get Paid Ethically!

In this session, a panel of experts examines the potential pitfalls and divergent case law regarding compensation and ethical issues in bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Judges’ Round-and-Round (2018 Winter Leadership Conference)

In this roundtable format, attendees can visit with leading judges (each presiding at their own table) to discuss and debate the nation’s most important recent business and consumer bankruptcy decisions.

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NO CLE - You be the Judge: A §523(a)(6) consumer mock trial

This session offers a valuable-yet-fun look at §523 through a mock adversary trial. Conducted by some of the most experienced bankruptcy litigators in the country, this event will most definitely help sharpen your trial skills.

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NO CLE - Safe-Harbor Issues After Lehman

This panel will discuss how case law since Lehman has both narrowed and expanded the various safe harbor provisions contained in the Bankruptcy Code.

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