Small Business

NO CLE - Small Business Reorganization

This panel will explore the eligibility of small businesses to file under the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA) and the benefits of doing so, along with recent developments and hot topics in this area of the law. The panelists will also discuss Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and whether these loans count toward debt ceilings (is it debt or a grant?), as well as § 525, which prohibits the Small Business Administration (SBA) from discriminating against debtors.

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NO CLE - Judicial Roundtable (Southwest Bankruptcy Conference 2021)

The Judges Roundtable will provide opportunities for discussion and interaction with our exciting panel of judges from around the country. Participants can engage in a small group format on the following three topics: (1) What happens when the various COVID moratoria on enforcement end; (2) who gets the benefit of post-petition appreciation of an asset when a case converts from chapter 13 to chapter 7; and (3) measuring the success of the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019.

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NO CLE - Small Business Reorganization Act Workshop

This panel will provide a brief overview of how subchapter V is working in the system, the role of trustees, and hot topics related to subchapter V, including eligibility, disposable income, post-confirmation default and remedies, and much more.

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NO CLE - Fast, But Not So Fast: Recent Developments in PPP Loans and the CARES Act.

Uncle Sam said “Take the money...everything will be OK”. Now, the IRS, SBA and Congress are changing the rules, creating new hurdles for distressed businesses. This panel dives into recent legislation in CARES II and the evolving legal and regulatory landscape governing access to, and repayment of, PPP and EIDL loans.

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NO CLE - Subchapter V Recent Case Law Updates and Issues: Navigating the New Small Business Roadmap to Reorganization

Since the enactment of the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (H.R. 3311, “SBRA”), which took effect on Feb. 19, 2020, bankruptcy courts and practitioners have had opportunities to address a number of novel issues, interpreting and applying what are essentially brand-new Bankruptcy Code statutes. In this panel, we will discuss some of the key SBRA areas that bankruptcy courts across the U.S. are addressing, as well as the novel issues that practitioners are navigating.

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NO CLE - Business Bankruptcy Legal Update

This panel will discuss the impact of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 on bankruptcy cases, the latest automatic stay cases, employment of professionals and fee applications, and § 363 sales in the Zoom era.

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NO CLE - Subchapter V and Virtual Court: A Tale of Two Frontiers

The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 went into effect a mere few weeks before a worldwide pandemic unfolded, setting into motion unforeseen challenges and learning curves for the entire bankruptcy court system. This session consists of two mock presentations that will demonstrate the application of technology in the pre-trial practice and trial presentation of a subchapter V virtual trial.

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NO CLE - Issues Relating to CARES Act Loans

This session will focus on the loan and debt-relief options that were created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) of 2020, and their impact on debtors and bankruptcy law and practice. The session will begin with a brief primer on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) lending program and Main Street lending programs, then delve into the various bankruptcy issues that have since emerged related to these lending programs, including access to loans, priority and subordination of lender claims, and certifications regarding future bankruptcy filings.

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NO CLE - Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019/Subchapter V

This panel will review the basics of the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019, as well as recent case law and issues that have cropped up since the SBRA went into effect in February 2020. Topics discussed will include an overview of subchapter V and how it differs from traditional chapter 11, qualifying corporate (and individual) debtors, debt limits pre- and post- CARES Act, the PPP and its changing role in subchapter V, the role of a subchapter V trustee, and conversion/redesignation of a case to subchapter V.

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NO CLE - Subchapter V in the COVID-19 Era

This panel will explore the development of subchapter V bankruptcies during their first year of existence, a.k.a. the COVID-19 era. The panelists will first perform a brief review of subchapter V bankruptcy cases and the way in which they differ from standard chapter 11 cases. The panel will then discuss issues relating to CARES Act funding in subchapter V cases and explore various hot issues in subchapter V, such as the aggregation of debts among affiliates.

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