Small Business

NO CLE - Recent Consumer Case Law Developments with Bill Rochelle (2021 Caribbean Insolvency Symposium)

This past year has seen a remarkable number of wide splits and controversial opinions. This panel of experts, moderated by ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle, will discuss and analyze current notable business and consumer bankruptcy cases.

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NO CLE - Judicial Round & Round (2021 Caribbean Insolvency Symposium)

In this virtual variation on the in-person format, a nationwide group of distinguished judges will discuss current bankruptcy and practical skills issues in an innovative Zoom-style presentation. The judges will rotate to a new online “room,” allowing participants to maximize their time and gain valuable insights into best practices.

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NO CLE - Judicial Roundtable (2021 Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference)

The judges of this year's Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference will hold in-depth discussions on navigating virtual hearings and what we have learned from the pandemic; the benefits of filing commercial cases in Rocky Mountain jurisdictions; gross-income calculations in light of the closures of small, closely held businesses; trends in consumer/small business cases during the pandemic; and ethics and professionalism in a (more) virtual world.

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NO CLE - SBRA: Subchapter V Strategy and How to Get Your Plan Confirmed

This panel will provide an overview of the requirements for a reorganization plan in subchapter V cases under the Small Business Reorganization Act, including the new fair-and-equitable standard for cramdowns, and effective strategies to get to plan confirmation.

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NO CLE - Streamlined Small Business Reorganizations Under Subchapter V: Concepts and Early Decisions

This panel will focus on Congress’s new foray into streamlining small business reorganizations under the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019, as amended by the CARES Act of 2020. The panelists will examine similarities and differences between subchapter V and traditional chapter 11 reorganization, debtor eligibility, and the role of the newly created position of subchapter V trustee. The panelists will then examine early decisions on these issues from bankruptcy courts around the country.

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NO CLE - Judicial Round-and-Round (2020 Virtual Winter Leadership Conference)

In this virtual variation on the in-person format, a nationwide group of distinguished judges will discuss current bankruptcy and practical skills issues in an innovative Zoom-style presentation. The judges will rotate to a new online “room,” allowing participants to maximize their time and gain valuable insights into best practices.

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NO CLE - Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle (2020 Virtual Winter Leadership Conference)

What are the hottest topics in bankruptcy law? This panel of experts, moderated by ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle, will discuss and analyze current business and consumer bankruptcy law cases.

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NO CLE - ABI: Force Majeure and Business-Interruption Insurance

You learned about it in law school, but have never seen it since. In light of the COVID-19 effects on business operations, this panel will discuss the general applicability of force majeure provisions in contracts, how they excuse or suspend performance, and exceptions to a boilerplate contract provision that we rarely see enforced until recently. The panel will also discuss business interruption insurance in the context of the Pandemic.

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NO CLE - AIRA: SBRA — A Lot of Ground Has Been Covered Since February

Type “Small Business Reorganization Act” or “Subchapter V” into your search engine, and there is no lack of questions that have been posed: what the Act means, the CARES amendment, pros and cons, and whether it’s been good for businesses (the answer: maybe not). With all this interest, there is no doubt that the Act is having an impact. Questions about its implementation are being answered as the days go by and as more and more cases find their way into the courts. This session will focus on the results to date, the questions that have been settled, and the questions still in need of answers.

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NO CLE - NCBJ: SBRA: So Many Choices, So Little Time - Electing to Proceed Under Subchapter V

This panel will explore some of the more difficult aspects of cases under subchapter V, including the considerations that debtors face when making the election to proceed under subchapter V and a discussion of the earliest decisions interpreting the new statute.

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