2015 Northeast Bankruptcy Conference, 2012

NO CLE - Do “Out-of-the-Money” Creditors Have Standing?

Do “Out-of-the-Money” Creditors Have Standing?

There are many chapter 11’s filed primarily to sell the collateral
for undersecured creditors—meaning that there isn’t any value generated
for unsecured creditors or equity. This panel will explore the various
issues that result such as basic standing and the appropriateness of
forming and maintaining a creditors committee and an equity committee.
The panel will also discuss the various arguments put forth to justify a
carveout or “gift” for unsecured creditors and the often used

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NO CLE - Sharing a Piece of the Pie: Gift Plans, Structured Dismissals and Carve-Outs

Sharing a Piece of the Pie: Gift Plans, Structured Dismissals and Carve-Outs

Often bankruptcy is the best way for under-secured creditors to
optimize collateral recoveries. But the price for bankruptcy relief is
that secured creditors must share their recoveries with out-of-the money
constituencies. This panel will explore such sharing arrangements in a
variety of contexts–carve outs, gift plans and structured dismissals.

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NO CLE - Litigating the Cramdown Rate

Litigating the Cramdown Rate

“Cram down” requires full payment of secured classes. This, in turn,
requires a present value analysis of the dividends secured creditors
will receive under the plan. This panel will review what debtors and
secured creditors need to show to establish a cramdown rate and the
nuts-and-bolts evidentiary issues joined by cramdown litigation.

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NO CLE - Stern v. Marshall: One Year Later

Stern v. Marshall: One Year Later

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