2018, 2018 Bankruptcy Battleground West

NO CLE - I’m Gonna Make You an Offer You Can’t Refuse! The Fight Between Secured Creditors and Junior or Unsecured Creditors in Bankruptcy

Secured lenders work with debtors and committees in large chapter 11 cases to modify the environment in which the chapter 11 estate proceeds. This panel will examine the contemporary attributes of negotiated modifications and accommodations in connection with cash-collateral stipulations, DIP financing agreements, bidding procedure orders and chapter 11 plans. The panel will also consider whether any of the typical compromises are questionable in light of decisions, such as Jevic, that challenge the ability of courts and constituents to modify the structure of the chapter 11 playing field.

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NO CLE - Writs of Certiorari: Pros and Cons

This panel will examine splits among the circuits on bankruptcy and bankruptcy-related issues, and will discuss whether the U.S. Supreme Court has granted or will grant certiorari on applications seeking resolution of these circuit splits.

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NO CLE - Shark Tank

In a riff on the popular television show “Shark Tank,” bankruptcy practitioners will pitch a panel of judicial “sharks” for requested modifications to recent Supreme Court/circuit-level decisions and timely bankruptcy issues.

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NO CLE - Perspectives on the Emerging Cannabis Industry

This panel will explore the emerging cannabis industry in the U.S., with a particular focus on California and nearby states. The panelists will discuss the impact of the legalization of recreational use, as well as the opportunities and challenges that have been created for investors, attorneys and financial advisors.

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NO CLE - Supreme Court Review

A look at the Supreme Court and bankruptcy law, with a focus on recent and pending cases.

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