2019, 2019 Hon. Steven W. Rhodes Consumer Bankruptcy Conference

NO CLE - Annual Case Law Update

The most popular session each year, this annual favorite will cover all recent bankruptcy law decisions and current consumer bankruptcy law issues. This session is a must-attend for professionals to stay current on consumer bankruptcy law issues.

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NO CLE - What Would You Do? Ethics in Bankruptcy Practice: Avoiding Problems — and Malpractice

This interactive session will feature fact patterns and scenarios designed to engage the audience with real-world issues that illustrate ethical problems faced by bankruptcy professionals. The session will focus on identifying and resolving these issues before you find yourself in hot water.

[Note: Please pardon the audio quality as there was a glitch in the recording process.]

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NO CLE - Custodians of Estate Property

Recovering estate property isn’t always as straightforward as directing the debtor to turn over property. This session will focus on situations where a nonbankrupt party (receiver, agent, court officer or assignee) has possession of property of the debtor/estate. How does the Bankruptcy Code define a “custodian," and what rights and responsibilities do custodians have? What rights do the debtor and trustee have? Can the custodian maintain possession of the property, and under what circumstances?

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NO CLE - State vs. Federal Exemptions

Michigan residents have the option of choosing either the state or federal exemptions, but the choice sometimes requires careful consideration. What are the differences between the state and federal exemptions? How do they impact the debtor? How do you determine which set of exemptions is the best option for your client? After a selection has been made, can you change your mind? How late is too late to amend exemptions? What are the best practices for handling objections to exemptions? How do you value property in rising markets? How does Law v.

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NO CLE - Messy Chapter 7s

Most individual chapter 7s proceed seamlessly from petition to discharge, but an effective practitioner must be able to identify and manage those difficult cases where obstacles to discharge abound. How do you identify chapter 7s with potential problems (debtors with businesses, searching public records for assets and transfers, requesting and reviewing documents in advance of filing, effective communication, etc.)?

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NO CLE - A Deep Dive on Important Bankruptcy Cases

This session will draw upon the immense popularity of the annual Case Law Update session, focusing on a handful of important bankruptcy cases that are sure to affect your consumer practice.

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NO CLE - Legislative Update: Student Loans, Small Business Bankruptcy Bill and More

This session will focus on pending legislation that may affect your practice, and on ABI’s latest recommendations regarding personal bankruptcies. What are the latest developments and strategies to address student loans? Is a legislative fix for the student loan crisis really in the works (H.R. 2366)? What would the small business bankruptcy bill do, and where does it stand? Will veterans' benefits become exempt from means testing? The session will also cover other notable legislative actions, as well as the key takeaways from the Final Report of the ABI Commission on Consumer Bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Bankruptcy and State Law: Like Oil and Water?

This session will focus on the interplay between bankruptcy law and state law. How is a bankruptcy case impacted? How is a state court matter impacted? How do you handle matters that involve other areas of the law? How does a divorce, probate or condo issue affect the bankruptcy case? How and when do you retain nonbankruptcy professionals to assist with state law matters? How do you address pre-petition or post-petition Code violations from a municipality? If the potential client (pre-filing) becomes incapacitated, can that incapacitated individual file bankruptcy?

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NO CLE - Dealing with Co-Owners of Bankruptcy Estate Property

Many bankruptcy cases have property that is partly owned by the debtor and partly owned by a nondebtor. This session will address some of the issues that can arise for debtors, creditors and trustees in these circumstances. Can a chapter 7 trustee administer property that is co-owned by a nondebtor? Under what circumstances can such property be partitioned? What steps can a nondebtor co-owner take to protect his or her interest in estate property? What about equitable title vs. legal title? What rights does the nonfiling co-debtor have? When does the co-debtor stay apply?

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NO CLE - Mental Health Issues

Financial difficulties, especially bankruptcy, are among the most traumatic events an individual can experience. This session will focus on some of the mental health issues that can arise when advising clients with financial difficulties, and in filing and going through bankruptcy. How do mental health issues influence consumer credit choices? What resources are available for you to refer to your clients to help them cope with financial difficulties and bankruptcy? How do mental health issues impact a debtor’s ability to obtain a discharge of student loans?

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