2020, 2020 Northeast Virtual Bankruptcy Conference and Consumer Forum

NO CLE - New World Orders: Post COVID Practice

The novel coronavirus has certainly induced many systemic changes around the world, and the bankruptcy and restructuring industry is no exception. What once worked in a pre-COVID-19 world might not work anymore, so parties must adapt quickly, often with no precedence upon which to rely. This panel will discuss the idiosyncrasies and novel ways bankruptcy practice is operating, restructuring and adapting to a “new normal,” and how constituencies on all sides of the table are approaching its unique aspects.

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NO CLE - The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019

More than 14 years after Congress amended the Bankruptcy Code to provide special rules and procedures for “small business debtors,” it enacted the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019. In the wake of the economic damage caused by COVID-19 and the necessary governmental response, Congress then amended the SBRA in the CARES Act to raise the debt limit to $7.5 million (subject to a possible one-year sunset). How will the SBRA change your practice?

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NO CLE - Virtually Effective: Conducting Professional and Persuasive Hearings on Remote Platforms

As Bankruptcy Courts hold hearings across a variety of remote platforms, how can attorneys and other bankruptcy professionals ensure they are most effectively representing their clients? This expert panel will discuss best practices for appearing remotely, offering tips on preparing witnesses for testimony, presenting an effective “virtual” courtroom presence, and maintaining proper courtroom etiquette in the new normal, and will also address several ethics considerations in our new "Virtual" reality. These include:

  • Coaching the witness (or not!)

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NO CLE - Out of Workouts

How are lenders, borrowers and vested parties adapting to a rapidly changing environment? Are lenders and other creditors becoming more or less aggressive as business plans and borrowing bases are indefinitely affected by the suppressed commercial activity from the coronavirus? The panelists explore these issues and more.

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NO CLE - Bankruptcy Mediation in Consumer Cases: New Tools for Changing Times

Consumer cases require quick, effective and efficient answers to complex legal issues. Bankruptcy cases are expected to surge as a result of the economic consequences wrought by COVID-19, creating a logjam in the bankruptcy courts that is expected to continue. Mediation is the relief valve, providing opportunities for consumer practitioners to minimize delay and resolve intractable problems.

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