2021, 2021 VALCON

NO CLE - Lender-on-Lender Violence and Its Impact on Valuation Controversies

Up-tier exchanges, covenant-stripping and removal of collateral from secured lenders' reach have been in vogue for some time, going back to the Marblegate district court opinion and its reversal on appeal. The immense number of capital-chasing deals that have occurred since have continued this trend, and that obviously affects valuation, especially in litigated cases. This panel will explore the key issues involved, and how valuation plays a role in how disputes are resolved.

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NO CLE - Ethics in Health Care Insolvencies

Join us for a robust discussion concerning Ethics in Healthcare Insolvencies, where the panel will explore a myriad of issues, including: ethical implications in the context of valuing healthcare companies or providers in the age of COVID-19 (where we were, where we are, where we may be going); the concomitant impact on valuation of healthcare companies or providers vis-à-vis increasing the minimum wage and providing the required level of care; capital allocation between patients’ medical needs and fiscal responsibility and management as healthcare companies or providers face restructuring or

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NO CLE - Valuation Challenges in the Current Environment

This panel will focus on the impact of government funding and other recovery programs on valuation in health care, life sciences and other industries. The panelists also will discuss how traditional methods of valuation are being challenged by the current situation, and the programs that have emerged to address the resulting distress.

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NO CLE - Valuation Challenges in the Current Environment

This panel will focus on the impact of government funding and other recovery programs on valuation in health care, life sciences and other industries. The panelists also will discuss how traditional methods of valuation are being challenged by the current situation, and the programs that have emerged to address the resulting distress.

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NO CLE - Alternative Energy & Renewables

Short- and long-term governmental goals linked to zero-carbon electricity-generation have fostered the increased deployment of renewable energy sources and improved transmission and storage distribution. In turn, renewable and alternative energy sources — in tandem with systemic lower natural gas prices and lower electricity demand — have and will continue to cause distress in the merchant power sector, notwithstanding random black swan events like February’s storm in Texas.

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NO CLE - Chesapeake Case Study

Chesapeake Energy, an exploration and production company, filed for chapter 11 on June 28, 2020, in the Southern District of Texas and emerged from bankruptcy on Feb. 9, 2021. This session’s panelists, all of whom were involved in the bankruptcy court hearings, will contrast (in a non-advocating fashion) the different valuation methodologies used by the debtors’ and UCC’s valuation experts with the primary legal arguments raised by the debtors’ and UCC’s legal teams.

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NO CLE - Impact of COVID-19 on Valuation: Views from the Bench, Investors and Advisors

While COVID-19 has led to a substantial increase in the number of bankruptcy filings, its impact on valuation issues in the context of chapter 11 cases is less clear. Employing their differing perspectives, the panelists will explore how the uncertainty created by COVID-19 has affected the analysis of issues like plan feasibility, cost of capital, the pricing of risk, and the application of valuation methodologies in chapter 11 proceedings, with a particular emphasis on retail cases.

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NO CLE - Out-of-Home Entertainment: Ready for Take-Off, or Ready to Disappoint?

It's no secret that large-chain entertainment companies such as theaters and theme parks have been suffering through the pandemic. This panel will discuss restructuring options, hurdles and prospects for a broad array of these entities. The panelists will also discuss and debate the dynamics related to the fact that company projections and capital markets have priced in substantial recoveries for these entities in the second half of 2021.

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NO CLE - A Jedi Guide to Valuation: Disrupting the Status Quo

A professor of finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, Aswath Damodaran will share his research interests in valuation, portfolio management and applied corporate finance. Prof. Damodaran will take you through several top themes of valuation, the biggest stories of the market in 2021 (so far), the price of risk and so much more.

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NO CLE - Betting on the Unknowable: The Impact of COVID-19 Recovery Timing on Valuation and Restructuring Dynamics

The global coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the global economy for more than a year creating winners and losers across countries, industries and socio-economic groups. Among the most impacted industries continue to be hospitality, leisure and real estate industries where, despite progress made in vaccinations towards herd immunity, there is no clear recovery timetable in evidence.

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