2021, 2021 NCBJ in Indianapolis

NO CLE - Speeding Out of the Pandemic: Courts, Practitioners and the Road Ahead

The pandemic changed the world of bankruptcy judges and bankruptcy practitioners. This panel will provide critical information to help you make sure you have the tools necessary to participate in this race to change.

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NO CLE - Streamlined & Speedy: Driving the Sub V Vehicle

Leading experts on Subchapter V bankruptcy will address key issues and strategies.

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NO CLE - Minority Banks & Lending

If you're looking for black and ethnic minority bankers in senior positions at banks, you'll have to look carefully. And you may not even know that minority banks exist. This panel will include a thought-provoking discussion around diversity and inclusion initiatives based on their personal and professional experience. The goal of the panel is to encourage an open dialogue and educate our attendees on the benefits and challenges of diversity and practical suggestions for achieving a more diverse workplace.

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NO CLE - NCBJ Micro Topic Salon 7: Student Loan Litigation In Bankruptcy

This will be a lively discussion of the latest cases involving student loan dischargeability and issues related to litigating in this area, including what constitutes “undue hardship”, the Brunner Test, consideration of income-based repayment programs and other related topics.

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NO CLE - NCBJ Micro Topic Salon 12: Cybersecurity 2021: The Caution Flag Remains Out

A complex web of divergent actors pose consistent threats to data handled by the judiciary and the legal profession. This salon will focus on basic principles of cybersecurity and best practices for maintaining resiliency. No IT experience required – this session is intended to help empower all participants in managing risk and contributing to the collective defense against this bane of our 21st Century existence.

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NO CLE - NCBJ Micro Topic Salon 8: Anatomy of Section 523 Actions

This program would focus on what each section of 523 is really meant to address. Unfortunately, these complaints, more often than not, tend to recite a story and then the plaintiff tries to establish a cause of action under each provision of 523 to see what will stick, rather than pleading just the correct and applicable section(s).

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NO CLE - NCBJ Micro Topic Salon 11: Keeping Consumer Bankruptcy Appeals on Track

This session will discuss how to get your consumer bankruptcy appeal across the finish line. We’ll cover strategic considerations, common pitfalls (e.g., standing, finality, mootness) and tips for navigating the course.

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NO CLE - NCBJ Micro Topic Salon 10: Liquidating Trusts

What is in a liquidating trust agreement? What sections of the Bankruptcy Code continue to apply? Is a liquidating trustee really an estate representative under 1123(b)(3)? If so, what are the limits? What liquidating trust issues should the bankruptcy court retain jurisdiction over and what should be kicked to state court given it is a trust created under state law?

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NO CLE - NCBJ Micro Topic Salon 3a: When Keeping Something Means Doing Nothing: The Automatic Stay & Retention of Estate Property

Build a program on the upcoming ruling in the US Supreme Court case involving the City of Chicago’s auto impound and ticketing practices. The case is Illinois v. Fulton. This could have impact on repossession, bank account freezes and other creditor action. It is a national issue.

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NO CLE - Changing Up The Code

This Shark Tank-style format will feature experts pitching their ideas for changes and reforms for bankruptcy law to a panel of "sharks" who evaluate, discuss, and critique those ideas.

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