2022, 2022 Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference

NO CLE - The Counterintuitive Outcomes of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Bankruptcy filings fell dramatically during this latest recession and pandemic. The practice of law, especially insolvency law, was (temporarily?) upended. This panel will explore how the past might inform future filings.

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NO CLE - Rochelle's Rocky Mountain Case Law Update

Bankruptcy Judges Elizabeth Brown and Michael Romero will discuss the year’s widest splits and most controversial opinions with ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle.

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NO CLE - Dollars and Times: Is the Business Valuable?

The experts on this panel will show you how to get the best valuation evidence before the courts, and will discuss how volatile COVID-19 conditions have impacted their valuation opinions.

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NO CLE - We Really Do CARES: Mortgages, Moratoriums, Modifications and In re Kinney

This panel will discuss new movements in foreclosure practices and procedures post-COVID-19, much ado about In re Kinney, dealing with mortgage payment issues at the end of a chapter 13 plan, Rule 3002.1 concerns and remedies, whether to forbear or not to forbear, and implications of COVID-19 forbearance relief options and bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Evidence: Back to Basics

This panel will reveal strategies and tactics for introducing evidence properly and effectively in bankruptcy court to make persuasive case presentations.

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NO CLE - It’s Morning Again at Rocky Mountain: Judges’ Roundtable

Featuring the judges of the Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference, this session will strive to answer questions you have on current issues.

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NO CLE - Staying Out of Jail—Dealing with Civil and Criminal Contempt

The panel will address the legal framework by which bankruptcy courts and federal district courts are authorized to hold parties or attorneys in contempt of court. The discussion will focus on the authority of the bankruptcy court, as an Article I tribunal, to enforce the Bankruptcy Code and its orders through civil contempt powers and the penalties associated with those powers. The panel will also cover applicable law and procedure in relation to seeking criminal contempt in the federal district court.

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NO CLE - Subchapter V: Plan Confirmations by the Numbers

This panel will examine what's involved in getting a subchapter V case across the finish line, starting with best practices for debtors as attorneys position their clients to confirm their plans. The panelists will specifically explore putting together projections and liquidation analyses, the weapons creditors have in their arsenal (including the § 1111(b) election), and the role of subchapter V trustees.

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NO CLE - Subchapter V: Plan Confirmations by the Numbers

This panel will examine what's involved in getting a subchapter V case across the finish line, starting with best practices for debtors as attorneys position their clients to confirm their plans. The panelists will specifically explore putting together projections and liquidation analyses, the weapons creditors have in their arsenal (including the § 1111(b) election), and the role of subchapter V trustees.

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NO CLE - Section 363 Sales: Good Practices, and Pitfalls to Avoid

The panelists will cover issues common to § 363 sale processes that can help or harm debtors, creditors, bidders and other parties in interest, including notice, whether covenants really run with the land (§ 363(f)), selling overencumbered property, structured dismissals after Jevic, and venue considerations and recent developments.

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